Surf family

Surf family playa

     Cada vez son mas las familias que practican surf todos juntos. Padres e hijos comparten las olas y en muchos casos, también los viajes buscando nuevos “spots”. Hasta hace bien poco eran los chicos y chicas que comenzaban a practicar surf estaban influenciados por la afición de sus padres, pero estos últimos años estos “nuevos surfers» han sido los que han arrastrado a sus padres. Muchos de ellos se están convirtiendo en surfistas a partir de los 40, cuando sus hijos han comenzado a pedirles haceSurf en familiar un curso de surf durante el verano y ellos no tenían mas remedio que pasarse esas horas en la orilla viendo como se divierten sobre las olas. 

     Y como siempre sucede después de coger la primera ola, ya es casi imposible abandonarlo. Entonces llegan los fines de semana en los que hay que llevar a los hijos a la clase de surf esperarles a que terminen su clase tomando un café en el bar de la playa o caminar por la orilla de la playa de arriba a abajo. Fin de semana tras fin de semana esa hora de clase de su hijo cogiendo olas les hace pensar que seguramente hay otra manera de pasar ese rato en vez de estar pasando envidia viendo como se divierten. ¡Ha llegado la hora de tener la primera clase de surf!. Solo para pasar la hora que su hijo está en el curso y solo una clase. ¡Es para probar si me gusta!

     Así comienzan la mayoría de padres a aficionarse al surf y para cuando se dan cuenta, es una actividad que están compartiendo con sus hijos. 

Cursillo de surf

     En principio solo los fines de semana después, algún día de fiesta en el que no tienen nada que hacer, luego llegan las excursiones a esa playa que les han comentado en la que hay una ola de derecha ideal para ellos que acaba de comenzar con esto del surf. Y aunque en un principio no les hace mucha gracia ser los mayores en el agua, sobre todo cuando llega algún “renacuajo” y les pregunta con sorna:

-¿Señores, tiene hora.

     Entonces escuchan cómo se ríen sus hijos que están a pocos metros esperando la serie con ellos.  Pero a partir de tercer o cuarto “señor” y otras tantas olas después, parece que los padres también tienen su espacio en el agua. Y desde ese día no hay quién les eche.



Surftrip por Europa de nuestros amigos Kasuoshi Sasao y Jumbo. Photos

Hace ya casi 4 años que conocemos a Jumbo y Sasao, dos simpáticos japoneses, surfers, que desde entonces nos visitan cada, año, son unos enamorados de España y su cultura y el post de hoy trata de eso, de su visión de España, desde el Surf, la cultura, la relaciones humanas y la gastronomía. Las […]


So you’re booked, you know the meeting place and time and you’re mentally prepared for the best New Year’s Eve of your life. Here’s some general information about your Stoke Travel Hogmanay trip to make sure you get the most out of the experience.


We’ve got our own train, it’s all ours. The only people on the train will be your fellow Stoke Travel Hogmananiers. This means that we’re not bound by all the rules of regular train travel.

  • Tickets will be allocated at check in, so if you want to ride with your pals make sure you check in with them.
  • There will be charging sockets on the train for your phones. We don’t recommend that you bring your laptops or tablets, because why the bloody hell would you?
  • There are toilets on the train. So break the seal/eat a curry. We got you.
  • Food and drinks are available on the train. We’re providing breakfast at check in, but an extra lining of the gut never hurt anybody.
  • The train is also BYO, meaning we don’t mind if you turn up with your own booze. The more the merrier (we’ll all be). Beers, wines, spirits, you name it, just don’t peak too early. We will also give you a bottle of Prosecco each for the ride up, so factor that in.


  • When we arrive we go straight to Black Market, our Edinburgh exclusive venue (right next door to the station). There will be pre-street party snacks waiting for you.
  • Winter carnival by the street-party entrance — carnival rides, food stands, mulled wine/cider, something for them to do before the street party – if you don’t want to stay at the venue.
  • Check out Edinburgh Castle and be a bit of a tourist before the street party starts.
  • See our Edinburgh guide for more ideas about the Scottish capital.


  • We’ll give you your official Hogmanay street party tickets at check in. Then they’re your responsibility, so try really, really hard not to lose them.
  • The street party officially starts at 7pm and finishes at 1am, giving you a full 59 minutes and 59 seconds to secure some New Year snogs.
  • There are four street-party stages with DJs and live music. Screens will also be around so you can stay connected to the party even if you are trapped in the crowd.
  • Bars and clubs also line the street party so you can go in and buy drinks or chill in there if the weather is too cold for you.
  • There is no accommodation, this is a 24 hour trip so you’ll be expected to party for 24 hours. The train back to London leaves Edinburgh at 4:30am on the 1st of January, so you can sleep then.
  • You won’t need your passport as we’re not leaving the UK, but do bring some ID for buying drinks — especially the more baby-faced among us.
  • Check out our Hogmanay guide for more general information about the night.


  • 07:30: Check in opens at Lost Rivers, Elephant, our London venue – get your train ticket, festival wristband, breakfast voucher.
  • 8:30: Check in closes. Guides will start taking groups to the train. Guides to give out prosecco and flutes as each group leaves for the train.
  • 08:30 — 09:30: If you have used a promo code you will get one hour of free drinks between this time.
  • 09:30: Everyone leaves London venue and heads to Kings Cross St Pancras.
  • 10:00 — 10:30: Stoke Travel guides will show you to your seat on the train (stay here for departure and then feel free to move around the train).
  • 11:00: Train departs London Kings Cross Station
  • 15:00: Arrive in Edinburgh, go straight to venue
  • 19:00: Street party starts
  • 21:00: First Fireworks display, will go every hour until midnight
  • 22:00: Security will stop letting people into street party
  • 24:00: Midnight Magic Show
  • 01:00: Street Party closes – head back to venue
  • 03:30: After Party finishes, customers head back to train.
  • 04:30: Train departs Edinburgh
  • 08:30: Arrive back in London

Want more information?

Make sure that you join the Hogmanay Facebook event and group where we update information and a place for you to ask us questions.

The post HOGMANAY GENERAL INFORMATION appeared first on Stoke Travel.



Hogmanay is in Edinburgh, Scotland, and we’re going to get there by train from London, England. A private train. Just for us. Can you even imagine how much fun that’s going to be?

But before we board the party train we’re going to meet, and check you in, and give you a chance to meet your fellow Hogmananiers and decide who you want to sit next to, etc.


We’re meeting at 8AM, yep eight in the morning, at the Lost Rivers Elephant. Know it? It’s an entertainment space made from shipping containers just down from Elephant and Castle station. Don’t be late, we’re a big group and we don’t want to leave without you.

Here’s the address:

Lost Rivers Elephant

Elephant Road

Elephant and Castle



And here’s the location on Google Maps

Click on it to load it up on your device.


When you check in we’ll be giving you your train ticket, street-party  wristband, and a breakfast to start the trip right. If you added booze to your trip you’ll also receive this here.

Check in closes at 9am.
From there we’ll make our way to Kings Cross station to board the private party train to Edinburgh. We’ll have guides at the station to make everything easier, guide you to the right carriage/seat, offer words of encouragement, and so on.

Train leaves at 10am, so settle in and get the party started.


Lost Rivers Elephant is right in the heart of Elephant and Castle, on Elephant Road beside Elephant and Castle overland station.

FROM ELEPHANT AND CASTLE TUBE STATION: walk down Old Kent Road for about 100 meters and take a right onto Elephant Road. Once you pass the overland station Lost Rivers Elephant will be there on your right.

REMEMBER: you’ll be given your seat allocation on the morning, so make sure you check in with all the friends you would like to sit with.

And that’s it! Get yourself to Lost Rivers Elephant at 8am on the 31st of December and we’ll get you to Edinburgh and back. For more general trip information, click through to here.

Want more information?

Well, make sure that you join the Hogmanay Facebook event and group where we update information and a place for you to ask us questions.

Or check out our Edinburgh destination guide, and

Our Hogmanay event guide.

See you soon!

The post HOW TO GET TO HOGMANAY appeared first on Stoke Travel.


Hudson Ritchie Road-Surf trip por California.

Bonito roadtrip-surftrip de uno de los nuevos valores del surf Californiano HUDSON RITCHIE  Film / Edit – Cory Gehr Song – Housebroken Man by Quiet Life feat. Cary Ann Hearst


And if your wedding party is bigger than 15 people we’ll throw in the ceremony for free!


BARCELONA, SPAIN. Following a resounding victory for the blatantly obvious in Australia’s harmful same-sex marriage plebiscite, Stoke Travel has announced that they would be adding LGBT marriages in 2018.

“The people have spoken and the time is right,” said a wild-eyed Stoke Travel employee while vigorously fingering his money pouch, “I mean, it’s about human rights and decency, and also about throwing a big party. Those gays are pretty well off, aren’t they? And they love a celebration.”

While offering safe spaces for travellers to be whoever they want to be, Stoke Travel has always struggled to attract a significant portion of the gay market, sometimes being more of a bogan, or “frat boy” option. Well, as of 2018, that should be a thing of the past.

“Here’s what I’m seeing. Big pink marquees, feather boas, champagne. Drag queens as wedding singers. Platters going around covered in hors d’oeuvres and party drugs. We’ll provide the whole service, from picking you up at the airport in one of our vans, to giving the happy couple our finet tent to consummate the marriage. How much are those big tubs of lube, the pump action ones? We’ll even throw one of those in, why not.”

Stoke Travel has long prided itself on being a more inclusive travel company and is glad that another developed nation has finally pulled its finger out and given people the legal right to put their finger in, a wedding ring.

“I mean, the plebiscite was just a bloody waste of time and money, wasn’t it, who gives a fuck who marries who, and what a distraction it’s been from actually bloody running the country, but it’s good to know that the majority of Australians aren’t backwards, mouth-breathing, god bothering troglodytes like some of us have always suspected. Good on you for going the long way about doing what the bloody conservative Catholic Spanish have had since 2005.”

When pressed on whether gay marriage would mean people would now be able to marry their pets, cousins or favourite fire hydrants, the Stoke spokesman was optimistic.

“Wouldn’t that be friggen great! Imagine all the happy people and all their happy wedding money if we could marry whatever person, animal, or inanimate object we wanted. I mean, ever since gay marriage was legalised in Spain the only thing that’s happened is that gays of got married, but I imagine a bright future where Stoke Travel can profit off all kinds of marriages.

“But for now, to all the gays, lesbians, transexuals, queers, to anybody who wants to get married, we’ll be hosting non-binding* gay marriages next year, and if bring along a big enough group for the party we’ll throw in the boring part of the ceremony for free. You’ll be paying for the fun party, obviously, because that’s where all the money is to be made.”

When asked if Stoke Travel was seeking on profiting on people being given a basic human right a long time after it should have been given, our source was unapologetic.

“Wedding’s, mate, they’re a license to print money, gay weddings more so. If we’re profiting off people’s happiness, then so be it”.


* Given that Stoke Travel has no right to officiate anything other than the biggest and best festivals in Europe, all marriages, same sex or otherwise, will be symbolic and a waste of your money. Congratulations on finally doing the right thing, Australia.



Pink Jungle. Makala H. Smith, Karina Rozunko & Lola Mignot. California

A Super 8 film that roams through the streets of Venice, the pier at Malibu and the jetty at Dana Point, where the sea babes, Makala, Karina and Lola, spend most of their cozy time. Directed by Michele Lorusso on surfing spots like Malibu and San Onofre featuring the latest Fede’s Pink Jungle collection. Surfers: […]


Good! Here’s a small collection of media and information about Hogmanay and Edinburgh from around the web and elsewhere, because knowledge is power and power is sexy and sexy is what you will want to be this New Year’s Eve with Stoke Travel.

Must watch: Trainspotting. The first one, because while the second one is alright, the first one is a cult classic and while it might not make you want to go to Edinburgh, it will surely entertain the heck out of you. A story of drugs, losers, addiction, crime and violence, done in a way that’s funny and sad at the same time. Absolutely amazing movie.

Must read: also Trainspotting. Seriously, check out Trainspotting, it’s by Irvine Welsh, or if you’ve had enough of Trainspotting, then read The Acid House, also by Mr Welsh, written in his trademark Scottish dialogue, and goes deeper into the drug addicts of Edinburgh in an often very bizarre way. Filth is another Irvine Welsh novel set in Edinburgh and this one follows a disgusting corrupt cop around the city, again painting a wonderful picture of the people here.

They also say that Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde was not only inspired by an Edinburgh local, but actual set there too instead of London, as it claims to be. We’re happy to believe that, as after a big night at Hogmanay with us you’re likely to be a reasonable approximation of the main protagonists. Plural intended.

Hogmanay blogs: there are a bunch out there, but we found this one to be easy to read, and this video won’t make your eyes bleed and does give a good impression of what’s going on.

Of course Stoke Travel have written extensively on Hogmanay and New Year’s Eve in general. We’ve got:

We hope this little reading list helps you prepare for your New Year in Edinburgh with us. Hogmanay is going to be a hoot and we’re just so chuffed that you’ve decided to join us. Now go and read about sex and drugs and prepare for a nice, tame, morally sound party experience with Stoke Travel in the Scottish capital.

The post WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT HOGMANAY AND EDINBURGH? appeared first on Stoke Travel.



New Year’s Eve generally sucks, too many novices out to party and ruining the fun for real raging professionals. The exception is Edinburgh’s Hogmanay, an absolute belter of a party in the Scottish capital that neatly combines tradition with wild party antics.

What is Hogmanay?

Hogmanay literally means New Year’s Eve in Scottish. The tradition goes back centuries, taking influence from the Vikings who once inhabited here and their propensity to rage over the winter solstice, and elements of ancient Gaelic traditions. It’s such a big deal because celebrating Christmas was banned in Edinburgh by the protestants — it wasn’t even made a holiday until 1958 — so the fun-loving Scots were forced to go all out when ringing in the New Year.

Where is Hogmanay?

Hogmanay is all over Scotland, but the biggest and best is in Edinburgh. The city comes alive, with stages set up all over featuring international and local musical acts, street parades and fireworks from Edinburgh Castle.

When is Hogmanay?

New Year’s Eve, dummy, but does spread over a few days. We find that it’s not worth three days of your time, so we opt to shoot up from London for a 24-hour madness trip.  Get in, party our kilts off, get out.

Hogmanay traditions

It starts with a torch parade that winds through Edinburgh, led by real-life Vikings! Or at least Scottish guys dressed as them. After that the street party is the place to be, then the traditional linking of the arms and singing (read: drunken slurring) of Auld Lang Syne. After that the locals will hope that the first person to enter their house in the New Year will be a tall, dark man, preferably bearing gifts of coal. This is known as first footing. Then there’s more drinking, in the streets and in bars and clubs, before the sun rises on New Year’s Day and a bunch of literal crazy people go and take a dip in the fucking freezing water in a tradition known as the Loony Dook.

Hogmanay events

The street party is the main event, with stages set up all over the city featuring local and international acts, traditional Scottish dances, and the fireworks spectacular.

Hogmanay tickets

You’ve got to buy tickets for the street party, but of course they’re included in Stoke Travel’s Hogmanay New Year’s trip, along with private party train travel from London and back. Given that accommodation is so expensive and full over Hogmanay we like to get in, get the partying done, and then vegetate on the train on the way home.

It’s really the only way to have a great New Year’s Eve — to get away from the maddening crowds of party plebs and go to where the locals are pros at partying on the last day of the year. Hogmanay is a cultural event steeped in tradition, and a damn good way to ring in the New Year buckwild surrounded by people apparently speaking your language but doing so in an indecipherable way.

The post STOKE TRAVEL’S GUIDE TO HOGMANAY appeared first on Stoke Travel.


Longskate en el QUASIMOTO BURRIANA 2017

Otro de los reclamos del Quasimoto en Burriana, es la multitudinaria expresion sesion de longskate y este año también de skate. Remarcar, que tanto la expresion sesion, como la emotiva marcha por Burriana sobre patines, fue todo en honor del fallecido artesano de longskates, Carlos ‘LongRodriguez’. Como veis, la gente se reúne y abarrota en […]