What Is San Vino?

Apart from being Stoke’s patron saint of wine (sorry Saint Vincent of Zaragoza), San Vino is the name that we’ve given to La Batalla de Vino de Haro, aka the Wine Fight of Haro, La Rioja, right in the belly of northern Spain’s world-class red-wine region. To answer what is San Vino we really have to address what precisely is a wine fight, a concept so foreign to anybody outside of this small village, in this tiny and tucked away region of Spain.


The wine fight is, literally, a fight with wine. Think buckets and waterguns and anything that carries liquids, filled with the local red wine and liberally thrown and poured on anyone and everyone who enters the splashing fields. There is so much wine that literally everybody, and every part of said bodies, will be absolutely soaked in red wine and maybe a little drunk from it soaking through their pores. It’s like La Tomatina, Valencia’s world-famous tomato fight, but instead of being pelted with tomatoes, a salad vegetable that isn’t universally loved, we’re splashed and soaked in red wine, a product that only psychopaths dislike.


San Vino’s History

Like most Spanish fiestas the history is a little lost, as each year goes on and the protagonists get drunker, we forget precisely how they kicked off. For San Vino the legend goes that to solve a land dispute between the village of Haro and neighbouring Logroño the local regent declared that every year, on the 29th of June, the haro townsfolk had to erect a border of purple flags below the Cliffs of Bilbio, the site of the modern wine fight. Early on, the erection resulted in some skirmishes between the villagers, and after a while they began battling with the wine that they were using to dye the flags. This obviously turned from an act of aggression into one of hedonistic joy, and thus San Vino was born.


Why San Vino?

Because it’s a fight, with wine. With WINE! Also it’s a very authentic festival in the middle of Spain’s stunning wine country, both a party and an area that haven’t yet been inundated with tourists. The locals will be happy to see you and to party alongside you and to splash you with delicious red wine. We’re also combining the party with a cheese and wine fair, a massive street party, DJs at our campsite and our regular all-inclusive package.


How Does San Vino Work?

On the morning of the wine fight we make our way from the Stoke Travel campsite up to the Cliffs of Bilbio where, armed with our finest red wine, we proceed to throw it all over the mostly local crowd. Afterwards we make our way back down the hill, completely soaked to the bone in purple nectar. Along the walk back we’ll see the locals making BBQs and the more adventurous amongst us might try such local delicacies as garden snails, or every part of the pig, all washed down with delicious local grape juice (fermented!).


Interested in San Vino? Of course you are! Book your spot now.

The post What Is San Vino? appeared first on Stoke Travel.

Source: https://stoketravel.com/feed/

Tarifa, ¿es un buen destino de surf?

Situada al sur de la provincia de Cádiz se encuentra Tarifa, una ciudad bañada por el Océano Atlántico y por el Mar Mediterráneo a la vez. Su situación en pleno estrecho de​ Gibraltar, donde el viento sopla más de 280 días al año y con bastante fuerza además, la convierte en un lugar privilegiado para los amantes del surf, ¿o no?.

Este pequeño paraíso cuenta con más de 38 kilómetros de playas, de las que destacan Punta Paloma o Los Lances, atractivas por su arena blanca y fina, y donde se puede contemplar unos paisajes únicos llegándose a ver, en los días más despejados, incluso la costa africana.

Nadie duda del potencial de Tarifa para hacer surf

El debate acerca de si Tarifa es un buen lugar para surfear o si solo es ideaal para hacer kite surf está servido. Tarifa es conocida como la Capital Europea del viento, ya que son más de trescientos los días de viento al año en esta ciudad. Además, la temperatura media en Tarifa suele mantenerse por encima de los veinte grados a lo largo de todo el año.

Los menos conocedores del mundo del surf tienden a pensar que este deporte y el kitesurf son parecidos. El kitesurf consiste en una forma de navegación que se practica sobre una tabla traccionada a través de una cometa, lo que permite conseguir grandes velocidades por el agua, y realizar saltos (o vuelos) que en muchos casos son realmente espectaculares. Las condiciones atmosféricas propias de Tarifa hacen indudable que se trate de un entorno perfecto para esta práctica deportiva.

Uno de los destinos favoritos para practicar surf

Todo el mundo sabe bien lo que es el surf. El surfero no depende del viento para poder practicar este deporte y hacer giros y maniobras de pie sobre una tabla, una hazaña en ocasiones tan complicada que se puede considerar más que un deporte, un auténtico arte.

Pues bien, en lo que se refiere a este deporte, las playas de Tarifa cuentan con grandes olas para practicar surf. Siendo así, no puede quedar duda de que esta ciudad ofrece unas condiciones ideales para que los amantes del surf disfruten de su gran afición.

Los vientos que llegan a soplar en Tarifa son también el motivo para que sea un lugar excelente para surfear, en especial si entran con buena orientación haciendo que la ola aguante más. Las agradables temperaturas del agua en Tarifa  también contribuyen a que sea un destino ideal para los surferos.

Dónde alojarse en Tarifa: Disfruta a lo grande de la estancia en este lugar privilegiado

Gracias al auge del surf, la ciudad se ha convertido en un lugar enormemente visitado y de gran interés turístico para los aficionados a esta práctica. Para hacer frente a todo este turismo existe una amplia variedad de apartamentos en Tarifa, que satisfarán las exigencias de los viajeros y en los cuales se disfrutará de unas vistas inmejorables.

Además, la ciudad cuenta con una gran cantidad de negocios como bares, tiendas surferas, campings y restaurantes que cubrirán por completo las exigencias del visitante, el ambiente surfero de esta ciudad no te dejará indiferente. Es sin duda un destino que visitar si se hace un surftrip por el sur de nuestro país.

Playas más populares para surfear en Tarifa

Aunque es cierto que debido a su ubicación y orientación no entra tanto swell como en otras playas de la región hay que destacar que la calidad de las olas de Tarifa es excelente, especialmente para aquellos surferos con un poco más de experiencia en el agua. Los spots de surf en Tarifa más populares son:

  • El Balneario: Esta playa se encuentra entre la playa de las Lances y playa Chica, se puede acceder a ella andando desde el pueblo. Es una playa donde suelen entrar olas. Es un spot recomendado para surfes con nivel medio al menos debido a las corrientes que puede haber, las rocas y sobre todo a la cantidad de gente en el agua que hace que necesites controlar tus movimientos con más precisión para no crear colisiones.
  • Punta Paloma: Aunque esta playa no sea tan consistente como otras (necesita mucho mar para funcionar) tiene una ola divertida en los días en los que se da el surf en este spot. Es adecuada para longboard y recomendada para aquellos que estéis comenzando en este mundillo. Incluso en días planos merece la pena pasar una tarde en esta playa disfrutando del paisaje y el ambiente.

Kitesurfer en tarifa

Escuelas de surf en Tarifa

Si estás buscando iniciarte en el mundo del surf en Tarifa, en esta localidad puedes encontrar varias escuelas que te llevarán a los mejores spots de la zona para que aprendas al máximo de tu surf trip en esta zona. Estas son algunas de las escuelas de surf en Tarifa que puedes encontrar:

  • Kite Local School, Tarifa:  En esta escuela podrás aprender tanto surf como kite surf con los mejores profesionales, y en unas instalaciones en las que no te faltará de nada. 
  • Surf Center Arte Vida Tarifa: A ras de playa se encuentra este local en el que además de dar clases de surf podrás disfrutar de un buen mojito en una de sus tumbonas.
  • Wind & Water Experience: Otra escuela donde podrás encontrar diferentes deportes relacionados con el agua, eso sí, si deseas aprender a surfear te recomiendan ir de Septiembre a Marzo ya que es la temporada de olas.

Despejando las dudas sobre si Tarifa es un buen destino de surf o no, el resumen es: Si, puede serlo. Tarifa tiene olas muy potentes y divertidas, sobre todo en temporada de otoño e invierno, cuando el mar sube y comienzan los swells. Al igual que pasa con el surf en el Mediterráneo, el mar de Cádiz necesita condiciones idóneas para funcionar. En todo caso, con olas o sin olas, Tarifa es un destino surfero recomendable para visitar, su fama como spot de KiteSurf ha hecho que muchos aficionados (e incluso profesionales) de deportes de agua se muden a esta localidad en busca de condiciones perfectas.


The post Tarifa, ¿es un buen destino de surf? appeared first on Surfmocion.

Source: http://surfmocion.com/feed/

How To Recover From A Festival

Some tips to help you through the festival come down.


You’ve just arrived back from a worriless world, dumped your bags on the floor and simultaneously felt reality dump itself on you. The past few days you’ve been camped out and intoxicated, dancing and partying surrounded by friends, blissfully unaware of the outside world. Glitter has been replaced with dust, face paint with face wash, queuing for the beer halls to sitting in traffic jams and lying spaced out staring at the stars with setting your alarm for work. It’s rough, but we’ve all been there and it does end. Here are a few little tips to help you on your way.

Take the damn band off

It’s disgusting. Look at it, really look. Is it bringing back fond memories or just giving you traumatic flashbacks to that white dude with dreadlocks that you thought was a great idea at the time? That thing has been lingering on your wrist, getting drenched in sweat and dirt and alcohol – among other things – for days. Do you think the collection of germ-infested fabric on your arm is going to impress some potential hook up? Or is it going to make them back away wondering if you’re also still wearing the same socks.


Numero duo, you smelly thing. This is going to be a pretty intense shower. You’re covered in things you can’t identify all smooshed into the layer of dirty and shame caking your entire body. Get ready to scrub off what you thought was a tan and scrape out the layers of glitter matted, seemingly permanently, into your hair. It’ll be worth it though, you’ll emerge a whole new being and for those first few minutes after you step out of the shower, you’ll even feel like this recovery might not be that bad.

Take advantage of your private toilet

Your bowels are probably pretty fucked up. You’ve been stuffing your body with alcohol and chemicals with a portapotty as your only option, too paranoid to stay in there for more than a few seconds in case you lost your friends or the smell stuck to you or some drunk asshole decided to tip it. But now, you have a whole bathroom with a whole roll of toilet paper and no one to disturb you. Enjoy.

Curl up in a ball

The shower high is passing. You can feel an aching pain starting at your head and seeping through your limbs all the way to your fingertips and toes. Find your bed, or the sofa or even just a soft patch on the floor, curl up for a while and rest those weary bones.

Fix yourself up

Drink lots of water, eat something at least vaguely nutritious and do not drink coffee. Fix up all the cuts and bruises you’ve probably accumulated and consider making an appointment for your GP – you don’t know where that guy might have been before you.

Watch the notebook on repeat so you at least have a reason to cry

You’ve probably also exhausted any serotonin left in your system and are desperately searching the Internet for ways to get it back. There’s nothing you can do but wait and just ride it through. Put on a sad movie so you at least have some solid reason to be sad, cuddle something soft and fluffy and let it all out.

Put your past behind you

Once you feel ready, pick yourself up, crack open a can and plan a trip to the beach. It’s common knowledge that jumping into the sea shocks any remaining hangover – or otherwise – straight out of you. You can do this, Stoke believes in you.

If you’re simply just not ready to go back to reality then get yourself a Stoke Passport and run away with us!


The post How To Recover From A Festival appeared first on Stoke Travel.

Source: https://stoketravel.com/feed/

Deslizando al Atardecer. Matteo Fabbri en Imsouane

Matteo Fabbri es uno de los grandes logger europeos sin duda, un buen tipo,  gran surfer y un tío que viaja bastante, hoy lo tenemos deslizando las espectaculares derechas de Imsouane, en Marruecos, en un atardecer esplendoroso. Directed, filmed & edited by Jacopo Cosmelli  
Source: http://www.revistahangten.com/feed/

Stoke Travel Is Going To Breakout

BreakOut describes itself as a “charity travel competition for the adventurous”. Here at Stoke Travel we see ourselves as both charitable and adventurous, and so participation was a bit of a no-brainer. This year we will see two Stoke Travel teams participating in BreakOut and have obviously formed them from the best and brightest among the Stoke Travel ranks.


The idea behind BreakOut is simple. Starting from Munich, Berlin or Barcelona, teams of two have to get as far as possible from their starting point without spending any money. The further each team gets the more money is raised from donors, with the proceeds going to Jambo Bukoba, a charity operating in Tanzania to improve the school life of local children.


The two teams supported by Stoke Travel represent both Stoke Barcelona and Stoke Travel. Being honest with the Stokies’ capabilities we’ve decided to donate money to the charity not exclusively on the basis of kilometres travelled from Barcelona, but also on destinations reached and challenges performed.


Some of the destinations will be around Barcelona — the Barcelona Boat Party is one example — and others further around Spain. Valencia, home of La Tomatina, and Haro, where we hold the annual wine fight, are two places that our teams will be trying to reach without spending a cent. When they make these destinations they will then perform challenges and raise money for African kids.


We will be able to follow both teams’ progress across Stoke Travel’s social media channels, with regular updates being posted to Stoke Travel’s SnapChat, Instagram story and Facebook live feeds. If you’re not already following Stoke Travel across those platforms search for @stoketravel and watch us our two teams of loveable bunglers get themselves into all kinds of trouble across Spain and perhaps Europe, while raising money for charity.


And once it’s done we’ll be editing some videos of the teams’ exploits and misadventures so we have eternal proof of just how hopeless they really were.
The event begins on the 25th of May. Wish us luck, we’re going to need it.

The post Stoke Travel Is Going To Breakout appeared first on Stoke Travel.

Source: https://stoketravel.com/feed/

Ya tenemos ganador de la quilla Karma Fins. ¡¡¡Entra y descúbrelo!!!!

Hoy os desvelamos el ganador de la quilla KARMAFINS,  se trata de una chica del Mediterráneo, MAI MAWI, enhorabuena a la ganadora y esperamos que disfrutes de esa maravilla de aleta, en las olas Alicantinas. Desde aquí queríamos también dar las gracias a KARMA FINS por hacer posible este sorteo.
Source: http://www.revistahangten.com/feed/

Surf Solidario, este 27 de Mayo en Gijón.

Este fin de semana, en Gijón tenemos una cita en uno de los eventos más solidarios del panorama surfero. En 2012 un grupo de amigos decidieron organizar una jornada de surf con la intención de recaudar dinero para la Asociación GALBÁN de familias de niños con cáncer del Principado de Asturias. Hoy siguen trabajando para […]
Source: http://www.revistahangten.com/feed/

Budget Accommodation Oktoberfest 2017

Where you stay at Oktoberfest this year will make all the difference to your drunken Germanic experience. There are a lot of things you’ve got to consider here, the most important being what percentage of your budget goes towards beer and what goes towards your bed for the night. You may think that there’s no budget accommodation at Oktoberfest, and there kind of isn’t, but nevertheless we’ve put together a list of the few options there are to help you out (and to convince you to make the best decision and book with Stoke).

Camping at Oktoberfest

The cheapest per night of your options but not necessarily the cheapest overall. It generally costs €35 per night to pitch your tent in one of the Oktoberfest campsites, which is pretty good, but you’ve got to factor in transporting all your camping equipment there and so, particularly if flying is involved, this option could quickly start adding up to more than you expected.

20% bed : 80% beer

Hostels for Oktoberfest

Usually the go to option for any budget traveller however, hostels during Oktoberfest are crazy expensive. At best, you’ll manage to find a bed for just under €100 and that’s just for a bunk in a room full of lederhosened vomit time bombs. While it may not be the most expensive, in terms of value for money, this is probably your worst option.

70% bed : 10% beer

Airbnb for Oktoberfest

You’ll have to be pretty ahead of the pack to grab something close and without completely insane prices, meaning you’ll have to book months in advance but if you do this, you’ll still be spending at least €80 for a room or €200 – 500 for an apartment close to the beer halls. So if you stay for a few nights, you’ll probably be paying the equivalent of your month’s rent.

80% bed : 20% beer


Hotels for Oktoberfest

Unless you’ve got a shit tonne of cash to splash, really just not an option at all. Prices at all the hotels with be jacked-up for Oktoberfest so if you want to be anywhere near the beer halls you could be spending more than €300 a night. That’s a lot of potential beer.

90% bed : 10% beer


Don’t worry, it’s not all bad. Stokes got your back. For €60 a night, you’ll be set up in the midst of Stoketoberfest where you’ll be escorted to your already pitched and set up tents including mattresses and sleeping bags. You’ll be served free breakfast and dinner each day and for an extra €10 you’ll also get unlimited beer and sangria. Not only will you be set up in Oktoberfest but you’ll also be part of Stoke’s very own festival within it where you’ll be fed and washed and drunk with people from around the world.

30% bed including unlimited beer and sangria : 70% more beer

Now that you’ve weighed your options, book it so you can get stoked about hanging with Stoke at Oktoberfest!


The post Budget Accommodation Oktoberfest 2017 appeared first on Stoke Travel.

Source: https://stoketravel.com/feed/

Habits you get used to while travelling that you have to ditch once you get home

Words of advice for all the disgusting backpackers trying to reenter normal life.


Travelling definitely changes you. There’s no way you can survive months on end with everything you own on your back, a different bed every few nights and steadily emptying pockets without learning to adjust. At first these things may seem strange or even disgust you but soon they will become second nature as you evolve into another dirty backpacking fiend. However, you may get just a little too comfortable with the new you and become unable to distinguish between which of your daily habits are totally normal and which are definitely not ok. Here are a few tips to remind you that you are gross and weird and of the things that you’re going to need to stop doing once you reenter the real world.



Back home you wouldn’t dream of going near a drink that you can’t trace right back to the bar man for fear of being drugged but travel is a beautiful thing, all our worries seem to disappear, especially those surrounding safe drinking. Yeah you’ll drink a lot and that’s fine, the ways we go about getting our hands on this alcohol is where the problem lies. Some dude reaches behind the bar and produces reused plastic water bottles full of ‘local wine’ and you’re totally cool with that. Maybe you’ll go on a nudie run just for another beer or, possibly the most unacceptable, is something we at stoke call ‘mine sweeping’. All those half drunk or even full drinks left around the bar are calling out your name, they feel rejected, they need you.



Eating three meals a day for days on end that consist of probably just one thing seems fine. Yeah you look like you might be dying and the iron deficiency and scabies is getting pretty annoying but there are so many things we’d rather spend money on than a stable diet; another beer or a balanced meal? It feels pretty normal to scavange through the left behind food at hostels and carry a kilo of rice everywhere. Splash out on an onion to spice up that rice and then carry its wilting carcass to every hostel because you just can’t justify buying another before this one is finished. However, you gotta stop doing this when you get home. Your friends will stop hanging out with you if you smell like mouldy onion, let the onion go dear Stokie.



Whoops. Come on admit it, sometimes it feels good to stop giving a shit and just live in your own filth. Finding some left over shower gel in the hostel bathroom makes your day. You wear the same clothes day after day because anything you change into is going to end up smelling pretty bad after a day of trekking around with that backpack anyway. When you run out of clean underwear, you just stop wearing them at all. And no one you meet cares because they’re all doing it too! Towards the end of your trip you might notice people moving seats when you sit down or maybe even offering you food while you wait for busses. You probably should shower before you get on the plane because although your family loves you, they will not want to hug you if you still smell like that.



You’re travelling, you’re a free spirit now, livin’ and lovin’ in the moment. But just bear in mind, people in the normal world don’t like it when you do it on the beach or in bathroom stalls or hostel common rooms among many other places. Enjoy it while it lasts, but don’t get used to it, public nudity is an actual crime in most countries and that is not something you want your family bailing you out of.



Taking little bits of everything out of the fridge and the bathroom so no one notices is a good tactic when you’re trying to stretch the last of your cash. Letting people buy you drinks and dinner and never returning the favour is kind of ok when you actually just can’t. Don’t be an asshole though, when you get home it’s time to start paying your dues. All your friends are probably as broke as you and your housemates will consider mutiny if you keep stealing their shit. Don’t be that guy.


What are you waiting for? Get a stoke passport and be gross like us!

The post Habits you get used to while travelling that you have to ditch once you get home appeared first on Stoke Travel.

Source: https://stoketravel.com/feed/