Tabla de paddle surf hinchable o rígida, ¿cuál comprar?

El paddle surf es sin duda un deporte que engancha. Después de varias sesiones uno siente que la vida sobre una tabla de stand up paddle es mejor. En este momento te empiezas a plantear comprarte tu propia tabla, y ahí empieza el dilema, ¿es mejor comprar una tabla de paddle surf hinchable o rígida?

En los últimos años ha habido un boom del paddle surf en las playas de todo el mundo.

Es un deporte que te permite aprovechar lo mejor del mar o del agua (ya que se puede practicar en todo tipo de masa de agua como ríos o lagos), incluso esos días en los que el océano no nos brinda olas para poder surfear.

grupo de susrfers haciendo paddle surf en Barcelona
Grupo de surfistas haciendo Paddle Surf en Barcelona

Desde una tabla de paddle surf uno disfruta del mar, del paisaje, se relaja, y todo sin dejar de hacer ejercicio en todo momento.

Una vez que se prueba este deporte, la sensación es ir a por más, para ello nos planteamos adquirir nuestro propio material y es ahí cuando nos puede salir la duda, ¿qué tipo de tabla de paddle surf me compro?

¿Qué tipo de paddle surf vas a hacer? 

Para poder contestar a la pregunta de qué tipo de tabla comprar es importante tener en cuenta varios factores, vamos a explorarlos un poco más a fondo. 

Dentro del paddle surf puedes hacer varias vertientes. Depende de para que quieras la tabla, tendrás que tener en cuenta unas especificaciones u otras. 

Sup de olas

El paddle surf de olas es aquel que se practica con olas, al igual que el surf convencional, con la diferencia de estar ya de pie en la tabla y utilizar el remo para ayudarte a pillar la ola y a hacer las maniobras una vez cabalgando sobre ella. 

Navegación o travesía

El paddle surf de navegación es mi manera de llamar al paddle surf relajado, con el que te “paseas” sobre el agua disfrutando de paisajes y de la sensación de calma y bienestar que te da estar rodeado de agua. Lo puedes encontrar también bajo el nombre de SUP de travesía.


Esta modalidad es un tipo más pro. La gente que hace “race” normalmente compite en carreras de velocidad o de larga distancia sobre una tabla de paddle surf. 

¿Qué tabla comprar? Tabla de paddle surf rígida o hinchable 

Ok, ya sabes los tipos de paddle surf que puedes practicar vamos a ver los tipos de tablas que existen cuales son mejor para cada categoría. 

Comparativa entrea tabla de paddle surf hinchable y rígida


Vamos a comenzar con el uso que lo podemos dar a cada tabla.

Por norma general una tabla de paddle surf hinchable la puedes utilizar para realizar travesías y en algunas ocasiones las podrías utilizar para pillar alguna olita no muy grande (dependiendo también del tipo de tabla que compres, del tamaño de la misma y de tu experiencia con el SUP). 

Si te quieres dedicar más a fondo al sup Race o al Sup de olas si que sería aconsejable una tabla rígida que se adecuase mejor a tus conocimientos y habilidades. Estas tablas navegan algo mejor y tienen una respuesta más alta en el agua, por contra necesitarás un poco más de práctica y equilibrio para manejarla correctamente


Sin duda ninguna aquí ganan las tablas hinchables. Pudiendo guardar la tabla hasta un tamaño transportable dentro de una mochila, es sin duda una de las grandes ventajas de las tablas hinchable frente a las rígidas. 

Chicas transportando una tabla de paddle surf hinchable en la mochila.
Chicas transportando una tabla de paddle surf hinchable en la mochila. Foto de Singlequiver

Aun así las tablas rígidas siempre podrán ir en la baca del coche cómodamente y sin peligro para su transporte. 


Como hemos comentado arriba las tablas hinchables se pueden doblar de tal manera hasta caber en una mochila, esto hace que el almacenaje de éstas sea más sencillo que guardar en casa una tabla de más de 3 metros. 

También existen remos desmontables para poder economizar espacio, útiles sobre todo a la hora de viajar en avión o con poco espacio de equipaje. 


Aunque las tablas de paddle hinchable son cada vez de mayor calidad y más resistentes, es cierto que el uso o la mala suerte pueden hacer que la tabla se pinche o reviente.

En este caso las tablas rígidas aunque sean también delicadas (dependiendo del material del que estén hechas), suelen ser más duraderas que las hinchables. 


En este apartado también hay que darle un punto a las tablas hinchables ya que por norma son algo más económicas que  las rígidas, pudiendo encontrar tablas desde 400/500€, mientras que las tablas rígidas suelen comenzar a partir de 1000€.

Entonces, ¿qué tabla de SUP elijo? 

Esta pregunta es siempre complicada de contestar ya que depende de muchas variables tal como : ¿para qué quieres la tabla? ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas haciendo paddle surf? ¿Donde harás SUP? , etc. 

Tabla de paddle surf hinchable:

Pero por norma general me atrevería a decir esto: 

  • Haces paddle surf de manera ocasional en ríos o en días de mar calmado
  • Te decantas más por el SUP de travesía 
  • Tienes poco espacio en casa para guardar la tabla
  • Vas a viajar con la tabla de paddle surf 

Con estos varemos una tabla hinchable puede ser la mejor opción para ti. 

Tabla de paddle surf rígida:

Por contra, me decantaría por una tabla rígida si: 

  • Vas a coger olas con ella 
  • Tienes experiencia en el SUP
  • Vas a competir
  • La vas a usar de manera continua todas las semanas en mares bravos
  • Tienes sitio de almacenaje 

Esta claro que al final cada uno sabe mejor que necesita y para que quiere la tabla, pero si es tu primera tabla de SUP y te gusta navegar tranquilo por el mar una tabla hinchable puede ser la mejor opción para comenzar a hacer pinitos con el paddle surf. 

¿Tienes ya tabla de SUP? ¿Por qué opción te has decantado? 

La entrada Tabla de paddle surf hinchable o rígida, ¿cuál comprar? se publicó primero en Surfmocion.


Oktoberfest VIP Ambassadors


Stoke Travel Oktoberfest VIP Ambassador Program

GET a free trip to munich’s oktoberfest, score your friends open bar service, enjoy stoketoberfest’s vip facilities and earn european travel benefits

We’re looking for VIP Ambassadors in your study abroad city to get groups together for this year’s Oktoberfest in Munich.

As an ambassador you’ll enjoy free travel and VIP treatment at Stoke Travel’s Oktoberfest parties. Your friends will be given the gift of our open and unlimited beer and sangria bar for absolutely nothing. The most successful VIP ambassadors will also earn Oktoberfest upgrades and a free trip to Barcelona for the absolute best.

We’re not just looking for the life of the party, we’re looking for people who ARE the party. If you’re a beer-pong grand champion, the girl or guy who makes everyone at the table chug their beers, if your Snaps are laugh-out-loud funny, your Instagram is bursting with followers, or you write a blog, then we want YOU.

What are we promoting?

Munich’s Oktoberfest is one of the world’s greatest parties and an absolute must-visit for any study abroad student, traveller or ex pat. All of your friends are already going — maybe they just don’t know it yet. Stoke Travel is by far the biggest youth travel operator at Oktoberfest, treating more than 8000 travelers and students every year to not only the official beer halls, but to our infamous Stoketoberfest parties, with performers, bands and DJs, the Wheel of Misfortune, beer pong and beer bongs, a shisha lounge and literally thousands of the world’s best party people every night.

WHat do the vip ambassadors do?

Simply talk to people in your circle of friends, in your program, in your classes and in your city and tell them about Stoke Travel. Let them know that if they book using your promo code they’ll get unlimited beer and sangria for free. We’ll give you more detailed advice and instructions once you sign up as an ambassador, but it really is as simple as helping people find the absolutely best Oktoberfest experience for them.

Want more information?

Complete the form below and we will review your application and then come back to you as soon as we have made a decision. Its that simple.

Once you are approved we will set you up with everything you need and send you details of where and when our parties are, if you choose to go with it then we will see you at the next party!


The post Oktoberfest VIP Ambassadors appeared first on Stoke Travel.


Press Release: Barcelona gets bizarre weekly with Poble de los Freaks

Just when we thought Barcelona couldn’t get any freakier, Stoke’s teamed up with La Terrrazza for the Poble de los Freaks, the city’s wildest daytime festival. Kicking off on July 28th, every Sunday Barcelona’s old medieval Spanish town, Poble Espanyol, will be teeming with the weirdest, most wonderful party animals to crash Barcelona. With the motto “the more you are you, the more welcome you are,” it’s guaranteed to be the perfect venue to toss your inhibitions aside and let your freak flag fly.


DJs Fountain and & Peter Kan from Amsterdam and Jonny Bond from Ibiza will spin banger after banger to satisfy your music-lovin’ heart. Their twisted beats of electro, thumping house, hip-hop and dubstep will transform even the timidest of squares into frothing disco freaks with all inhibitions chucked aside.


On top of killer DJs, there’ll be loads of deliriously entrancing entertainment. The Original Confettiman will blast in with hectic confetti cannons, followed by insane acts like a mind-blowing upside down stilt walk and the infamous Terror Twin Tap Dancers. A Go Fuck Your Selfie photobooth will be on site to capture a fully sick pic of you and your messy new mates so you can commemorate your hectic bacchanal.


The dress code is as eclectic as the entertainment lineup! Whip out your tightest pants, sauciest dress, boldest top, and all the glitter you have: if you can’t rock it at Poble de los Freaks, you can’t rock it anywhere! If you don’t have your typical party essentials like body paint or heaps of hairspray, gaudy glitz doctors High on Hairspray and Glitter Banditzz will be prepped to pimp your lewk at our Mercado Raro so you can indulge in the chaotic extravagance of the fest to the max.


Ready to get loose and leave all your inhibitions behind to party inside the walls of an old medieval Spanish town amongst Barcelona’s bizarre? Book your ticket to Poble de los Freaks here and join the lunacy!

The post Press Release: Barcelona gets bizarre weekly with Poble de los Freaks appeared first on Stoke Travel.


Guía definitiva para comprar el neopreno de surf correcto

Llevas ya tiempo surfeando, has alquilado varias veces una tabla, has alquilado el neopreno, pero ahora llega el momento de tener tu propio material. ¿Sabes que tener en cuenta a la hora de comprar un neopreno de surf? 

Cuando yo empecé a surfear una de las primeras cosas que me compré fue un neopreno. Tenía amigos que tenían tablas de surf, y podían dejármelas, pero dejar un neopreno es algo más complicado, ya que tiene que venirte bien la talla, la hechura o el patrón del mismo. 

Así que fui a una de las tiendas de surf que conocía en Barcelona y pregunté por neoprenos de surf. En aquellos momentos me preguntaron: 

  • ¿Qué grosor necesitas?
  • ¿Cuál es tu presupuesto?
  • ¿Cómo lo quieres?

Como buena principiante que era no supe contestar a estas preguntas, yo solo quería un neopreno con el que poder surfear, más allá de eso no sabía que consideraciones debía tener en cuenta para comprar un buen neopreno de surf.

Así que me compré uno barato y que me venía bien. Me decidí por un 3.2 de grosor porque era lo que había usado en la escuela … ese fue mi primer error.

Por desgracia no fue el último error que cometí , y es por ello que debido a mi desastrosa experiencia puedo explicarte que tener en cuenta a la hora de comprar un neopreno de surf perfecto para ti. 

5 cosas a tener en cuenta a la hora de comprar un neopreno de surf

1. Grosor del neopreno

El grosor del neopreno va a determinar el frío que pasarás o no en el agua.

Mientras más fría esté el agua, más grueso debería ser el neopreno. 
Lo más normal es que para empezar no surfees con un traje más grueso de 5 mm.

En esta tabla puedes ver las medidas aproximadas para las diferentes temperaturas del agua. 

grosor traje de neopreno según temperatura agua

2. Costuras

Esto es algo que al empezar se suele pasar por alto. Las costuras del traje pueden estar cosidas, o bien selladas.

Las costuras cosidas (donde puedes ver el hilo) son costuras de peor calidad que dejarán entrar en agua y te darán sensación de frío en días menos cálidos. 
Las costuras selladas, sin embargo, denota que el traje tiene una mayor calidad y prevendrá el agua entrar en el traje nada más pongas un pie en el mar. 

Las costuras selladas impedirán la entrada de agua

3. Modelos de traje

Aquí podemos hablar de 2 cosas, una del patrón del mismo, dos de las cremalleras. 

Tipos de neoprenos

Como hemos visto en la foto anterior existen distintos tipos de traje: con mangas, sin mangas, cortos, etc. elegir uno u otro dependerá de cuándo y dónde surfeemos.

Por norma general los neoprenos más comunes son de manga y piernas completas, pero vamos a ver los distintos tipos que hay: 

Foto de


Ahora mismo puedes encontrar trajes con cremallera a la espalda, delante o incluso sin cremallera.

Aunque dicen que el traje con la “front zip” ( o chest zip) es más caliente la verdad es que con los nuevos avances en los neoprenos un traje con la cremallera detrás (back zip) son iguales de efectivos, y desde mi punto de vista mucho más sencillos de poner y quitar.


cremalleras en traje de surf

Foto de Mundo Surf

4. Talla del mismo

La talla del neopreno es importante. Un neopreno debe quedar como una segunda piel.

En caso de que quede grande entrará agua y perderá toda la razón de ser. 

Antes de comprar un neopreno te recomiendo, fervientemente, que te lo pruebes antes de comprarlo. Asegúrate de que es flexible, no te hace bolsas, puedes moverte con libertad y no te rozan costuras extrañas. 

5. Calidad

De la calidad del traje dependerá la flexibilidad del mismo, las costuras y los materiales. 
Mientras más flexible a la par que duradero sea el traje mejor será. 

4 preguntas que debes hacerte para elegir el neopreno adecuado para ti

¿Cuándo lo voy a usar?

Como hemos visto el grosor del mismo dependerá de la temperatura del agua y de la localización donde voy a usar el traje. Es distinto surfear en el Pais Vasco en invierno, que en las islas Canarias.

Normalmente los surfistas tienen más de un neopreno según la época del año, pero si te tienes que comprar un solo neopreno, y surfeas todo el año, o en otras épocas del año aparte de verano , en la península ibérica yo te recomiendo comprarte un buen 4.3. 

Escuela free surfers Fuerteventura

Surfeando en Fuerteventura

La frecuencia de uso 

La calidad de un neopreno u otro varía mucho, y con ello el precio del traje. Se realista sobre las veces que lo vas  a utilizar y en que circunstancias y comprate un traje que sea duradero , o bien uno más económico si eres surfista ocasional. 

¿Dónde voy a surfear?

Cómo hemos comentado antes, dependiendo de la región o país donde surfees necesitarás un neopreno más grueso o menos, con costuras selladas o no, o con o sin mangas. 

¿Qué talla debo usar?

Cada marca tiene su propio tallaje, así que es importante que te pruebes el traje en si antes de comprártelo.

Hay muchas tiendas especializadas en surf o deportes de agua que te pueden asesorar. 

Recuerda que debe quedarte ajustado pero debe permitirte moverte bien, la flexibilidad del neopreno es clave para poder disfrutar la máximo en el agua.


Hay una gran cantidad de neoprenos y de marcas en el mercado. Algunos son mejores que otros, pero realmente dependerá de tus necesidades a la hora de elegir un neopreno.

Antes de comprar un neopreno de surf ten en cuenta estás consideraciones:

  • Qué grosor necesito
  • Qué tipo de traje quiero
  • Con qué frecuencia voy a surfear
  • Cual es mi presupuesto 

Una vez sepas estas respuestas, no dejes de probarte el traje de antemano para ver que te sienta bien. Y por último, disfruta mucho del surf y buenas olas. 

La entrada Guía definitiva para comprar el neopreno de surf correcto se publicó primero en Surfmocion.


How to Catch the Bus to Pamplona

You’ll probably be too focused on gathering your cajones to run with the bulls or daydreaming about insane street fiestas to think about the logistics of getting to Pamplona, so we’ve arranged your transport for you! Whether you’ve booked to hitch it with our private buses from Barcelona, Madrid, or San Sebastian to Pamps, we’ve got ya covered. Here are a few tips from your bus travel experts to catch a Stoke bus like a seasoned pro!

Make it on the bus

Transport waits for no goon, and nobody wants to be that sad sap sprinting after the bus as it disappears full of killer travellers en route to party city. Most people recommend being at least 10 minutes early but we advise doing whatever it takes to be on time. Some recs include pitching a tent at the bus stop so you’re there at the break of dawn, setting seventeen alarms so you actually manage to haul ass out of bed, or pulling an all-nighter at a couple of Spain’s legendary bars and clubs until it’s time for you to leave the next day.

Bring snick snacks

Stuff some snacks in your sack! Whether you’re getting much-needed pre-bender nutrients from fruit and veg or carbo-loading for your weekend of unlimited beer and sangria with chips and bread, having a bite can make the bus ride leagues easier. Plus, sharing snacks is a guaranteed way to earn undying loyalty and cred from your fellow hangry travellers.

Get ready to belt it

Of course seat belts are muy importante for your safety, but we’re talking a type of belting that’s way more legendary. Everyone on the bus is probs going to be super psyched for Pamps, and our guides on the bus will be ready to rumble with total bangers over the loudspeakers. Get ready to sing Fergalicious unashamedly at the top of your lungs or smash out a duet with your new seatmate and best friend!

Check your footwear

Don’t be the dastardly barbarian who defiles the whole bus with the smell of their pungent foot cheese. Wear comfy, breezy shoes like thongs or tennies so you don’t need to whip those suckers out, although emitting a rank stench is a guaranteed way to get a whole row of seats to your grody self.

Charge your electronics

Some busses have USB ports, but you’d have to be hella ballsy to rely on it. Juice up your phone before the bus so you can jam to your favorite playlist or re-listen to Dune Rats before you see ‘em live at Stoked in the Park! Plus, earbuds are a lifesaver to block out noise if you’re battling a hangover after a massive sesh and don’t want to listen to your fellow revellers screech Mr. Brightside for the fourth time.

Chat it up

Of course you could mindlessly scroll Instagram or smash out some Candy Crush, but why not peel your face away from your screen for a little human interaction! Whether the person next to you is a hot fresh-faced backpacker from Australia or a rank, smelly party fiend from the UK, they probably have a righteous story to tell. Who knows, they could end up being your tent buddy for the night, partner for the bull run, or beer bong mate! 

Prepped to tackle the trek from Madrid, Barca, or San Seb to Pamplona like a champ? Book your Running of the Bulls trip for good ol’ road trippin’ shenanigans!

The post How to Catch the Bus to Pamplona appeared first on Stoke Travel.


Wheels and Waves 2019. Video and photos

Un año más la playa de Milady, en Biarritz, acogió una nueva edición del Wheels and Waves, teniendo como plato fuerte una competición invitacional que reunía a ‘la creme dela creme’ del longboard Europeo. Durante todo el día del sábado se lanzó la competición tanto masculina como femenina dando un gran protagonismo al tablón durante […]

Barcelona Pride Boat Parties and What’s On

Iconic high heel races, drag exhibitions, and vibrant parades: Barcelona’s Pride celebration has it all. As the biggest Pride in the Meditteranean, there’s no shortage of wild parties, events, and beautiful new best friends. We here at Stoke are super psyched that we have such a massive pride celebration going on in our neck of the woods! Stoke is passionate about always providing an inclusive environment where everyone feels encouraged to be whoever they want to be, so we’re pumped to offer our Hello Sailor Barcelona Pride Boat Party, aka the most fabulous fest on the high seas. Here’s what you saucy scallywags can expect from our wet and wild raunchy blowout!


Hello Sailor Theme:

Hellooo, sailor! Dust off your finest pirate hat, navy neckerchief, or captain’s cap for your naughty nautical adventure. Think pornstar pirate, sexy sailor, feisty fisherman! Partiers are highly encouraged to dress as colourful, fun, and campy as your heart desires- or just come in regular attire, we won’t judge!


An awesome ship:

What better vessel for swashbucklin’ seven seas shenanigans than a Spanish Armada-style pirate ship? The Jolly Roger fits up to 70 revellers and will be absolutely packed with bumping music, loads of glitter, tons of body paint, and heaps of hot people.


A drag queen hostess:

If spicy sailors, a fabulous pirate ship, and tons of glitter weren’t enough, enter drag queen Snortella deLine. She’s Barcelona’s fiercest radio DJ, stand-up comedian, host/founder of uber-popular monthly show Comedy Circus Dragstravaganza, and advocate of LOVE! With her around, you’re absolutely guaranteed a good time.

Whilst she’s normally busy performing amongst other queens such as Ru Paul’s Detox and spreading the message of love, equality and inclusion around Barcelona, we’re lucky enough to have her as our spectacular hostess for each of the boat parties. According to her, you can expect “a wild and crazy time with no holds barred (almost none).” She’s sweet, saucy, loud-mouthed and charming (the total package), and we can’t wait to have her as the captivating captain of our ship!



Obviously you’ll put the “star” in “starboard” with your stunning dance moves. But as much as we love to perform, we also love being entertained, which is why we’ve also hired some fab dancers to charm the crowd. Get ready to get down and dirty with Barcelona’s hottest booty shakers!


Semi-naked bar:

What kind of outrageous boat party would we be if we didn’t have semi-nude bartenders?! It’ll be tops off only, but we’ll take what we can get! With your ticket you’ll get four glasses of sangria or beer, but if they don’t float your boat you can also sip on gin and tonics, or rum colas for an extra €3 apiece.


Lots of foul-mouthed talk:

If you’re going to dress like a sailor, it’s time to act the part too! The air will be buzzing with music spun by our magnificent in-house DJ and loads of foul-mouthed talk that would make even the manliest of marines blush.


After Parties at Boys Bar:

After our two glorious hours of boat party time is up, we guarantee you’ll be itching to party even harder, and we’ve got just the place! Boys Bar in Gaixample, Barcelona’s neighborhood with the most inclusive spirit, is hosting everyone for the after-sesh!  On Thursday the 27th you’ll be able to sing your heart out at karaoke and on Friday the 28th they’ve arranged a saucy male strip show. On top of that, all boat party goers have discounted cocktails at the bar all night.


Arrr ya ready to get some booty and party on the Med with Barcelona’s babes? Book your ticket for the Hello Sailor Barcelona Pride Boat Party now, you sexy skipper!

The post Barcelona Pride Boat Parties and What’s On appeared first on Stoke Travel.


Need-to-Know Oktoberfest Information

Oktoberfest is the world’s largest, wildest beer festival. With robust Bavarian brews, unbeatable German chow, a massive carnival, and booming brass bands, it’s no wonder Oktoberfest draws millions of festival-goers each year. Think you’re ready to dance on table tops with fellow stein-slinging partiers while decked out in traditional German gear? Clueless what Oktoberfest has besides the beer? Here at Stoke we consider ourselves old experts after hosting Munich’s most popular Oktoberfest accommodations for over a decade and decided to compile the ABC’s of Okiefest so you’re ready to rumble when we see you this fall. Let’s kick it!


When is Oktoberfest?

Oktoberfest actually starts mid-September, which is why we have trust issues (the festival was pushed forward to take advantage of nicer weather, and so that the event could finish on the first Sunday of October – thereby coinciding with German Reunification Day, on October 3rd). The festival rages for anywhere between 14 and 16 gloriously lit days each year. This year, the festival kicks off on September 21st and wraps up on October 6th.


Where is Oktoberfest?

Oktoberfest is now celebrated all over the world (because c’mon, who doesn’t love an excuse to skull beer, eat food, and be merry), but the official festival takes place in the heart of Munich, Germany at fairgrounds called Theresienwiese. If that’s too much of a mouthful, it’s also dubbed Weisn by the locals, which is much easier to lovingly slur a few steins deep.


History of Oktoberfest

Surprisingly, beer wasn’t flowing at the party that started the fest we know and love today. The OG Oktoberfest celebration happened when Bavaria’s Crowned Prince Ludwig I tied the knot with Princess Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen on 12 October 1810. Like any other royalty rolling in dough, they invited the entire region to party it up with them on the grounds where Oktoberfest is held now (the word Theresienwiese translates to Therese’s Meadow).

After a few wildly successful years of festivities, horseraces, and general revelry the city declared Oktoberfest to be an official annual event and they moved the dates to September so people could take advantage of the “better” weather. It’s taken 200 years for Oktoberfest to evolve into the riotous event it is now – the first beer wasn’t even sold in the iconic glass mugs until 82 years after Oktoberfest began!


Oktoberfest Traditions

Oktoberfest is loaded with traditions like the beer purity laws, clothes, or music, but there are tons of modern twists thrown in too. You’ll hear old-school oompah bands blasting everything from classic Ein Prosit to brassy covers of the Black-Eyed Peas.

One of the biggest traditions is the opening commencement of the festival. To kick it off, there’s the massive parade of the Wiesn landlords and breweries with over 1,000 participants including bands, flower-loaded carts, and the breweries’ draft-horse drawn floats. The mayor then officially launches the world’s greatest drinking marathon by tapping the first keg at 12:00pm sharp while shouting “o’zapft is!” aka “it’s tapped” aka the sweetest words to ever caress your fun-lovin’ ears.


What to wear to Oktoberfest?

Almost everyone at Oktoberfest wears traditional clothes called Tracht. They’re literally designed to make you look as hot as possible while you’re guzzling litre after litre of golden beer and stuffing your face with loads of German grub. I hate to break it to you, but they’re expensive – some locals will drop over €1,000 for the highest quality threads. It’s by no means mandatory to rock Tracht, but the whole shebang is heaps more fun if you do, and it’ll help you get into the Oktoberfest spirit. Plus, your insta story will be way more poppin’ if you look the part while cheersing your stein and noshing on a pretzel.

Fellas, the traditional choice for you is lederhosen, leather shorts with suspenders worn over a button-up shirt. Stoke has lederhosen for €90 at the campsite shop, which is basically as cheap and as easy as it comes.

Ladies, the traditional garb for you is a dirndl, alpine peasant-style dress with a blouse and an apron. Essentially the dirndl’s sole purpose is to push cleavage up to gravity-defying, eye-popping heights. To take the hassle out of dirndl shopping, you can snag one for €70 at Stoke’s campsite shop, and we guarantee you’ll look damn stunning.


Is Oktoberfest expensive?

Oktoberfest is not a thrifty affair. Basically everything within the fairground is pricey, but we wouldn’t be coming back year after year if it wasn’t worth every cent. Here’s a little breakdown of what you can expect for costs besides the logistical shit like transport and a place to crash.

How much are drinks at Oktoberfest?

The beer at Okiefest is liquid gold, and the price reflects it. At the beer halls, a litre will run you €11.50 on average. On top of that, it’s customary to tip the beer wenches a euro or two per stein, because hey, those ladies work for it! We here at Stoke understand ballin’ on a budget, so we’ve got you hooked up with unlimited sangria and German beer at the campsite for less than the cost of a single litre at the fest.

How much is food at Oktoberfest?

Much like the beer, food at Oktoberfest is steep but definitely worth it. Lunch will run you anywhere from €9-15, a big meal can run you up to €25, and we know you’ll want at least a couple pretzels because drunk cravings are all too real. Thankfully Stoke’s campsite has an in-house team of chefs who are ready to dish you up hearty breakfasts and dinners included in the cost of your stay so you can save some coins for more beer!

Other Oktoberfest expenses

RIDES! There’s nothing we love more than chasing beer tent shenanigans with an amusement park ride or five. Watch out though, the cost – around €10 a pop for roller coasters and other big rides – will catch up to you after you’ve stumbled in line for the sixth time.


Where to stay for Oktoberfest?

Oktoberfest Hostels

Typically one of the old, beloved, reliable options for travellers, hostels turn hectic during Oktoberfest. Benefit: you’ll meet a few other travellers who you can party with. Drawback: they’ll run you at least €55 a night at best, and can go as high as €300. No, you’re not tripping – it can be €300 for a single bed in a shared room. Our advice for Oktoberfest hostels: book early, and use Hostelworld to compare prices easy as pie.

Oktoberfest Hotels

If you somehow have treasure chests of doubloons to shell out a night for a semi-decent hotel room, then you’re going to want to book early if you want anything remotely close to the city center. Prices for hotel stays will be jacked up, so just think about all the beer you could drink in exchange for a lonely hotel room and cushy pillow!

Oktoberfest Airbnbs

An Airbnb is a decent option if you have a huge group of friends and aren’t looking to venture outside your circle. They’re also pretty expensive, running €150 a night and higher if you book early in the season. A major problem is that hosts can cancel on you if they get a better offer which can be frustrating, especially if it’s last minute and you have to scramble for new accommodations

Oktoberfest Campsites

Campsites are definitely not the Taj Mahal, but they’re certainly the most fun and economic option, two qualities that seldom overlap. Obviously of all the campgrounds in Munich, we at Stoke pride ourselves in being the raunchiest, rowdiest, biggest fest outside of the fairgrounds with thousands of revellers flocking to Stoketoberfest each year.

The bathroom situation may be a little grodie at times and it gets a bit chilly if you’re not primed for Germany’s weather, but gnar toilets seem like a small price to pay for wild parties with beautiful international travel freaks, live music, and alcohol flowing from morning to night.

Oktoberfest Couchsurfing

Couchsurfing is the only free option unless you have an angelic, legendary friend in Munich willing to host you. Of course we love free stuff, but the chances that you’ll actually match up with a host is pretty slim considering they have mountains of requests.

On top of that, couchsurfing is about making a meaningful connection with another traveller, which is probably not that likely to happen considering most Oktoberfest attendees stumble home in a beer-induced delirium and crash on anything remotely more comfortable than gravel. Also, it would be kind of a shit move to chunder all over a lovely stranger’s bathroom when they’re letting you crash for €0.


Which beers do they have at Oktoberfest?

The beers at Oktoberfest are the sweet nectar of the party gods. They’re required to obey German purity laws, which means they only have four ingredients: hops, barley, yeast, and water. No artificial preservatives or additives! And fortunately, most of the beer has a 6% abv which makes the litres worth the price, especially since the beer goes down faster than your standards after a full day at the beer halls. On top of that, all the official Oktoberfest beers have to be brewed within the Munich city limits, which leaves six breweries repped at Oktoberfest:

  • Augustiner-Bräu: Their most popular brew is Helles (5.2% abv), a light colored, sparkling, mild beer.
  • Hacker-Pschorr-Bräu: Their Märzen beer (5.8% abv) is particularly malty, slow roasted and caramelized to a deep honey amber.
  • Löwenbräu: Their Wiesnbier (6.1%) is literally translated as “meadow beer,” named after the festival grounds, and is known for its touch of spice and an herbal aroma.
  • Paulaner: The most popular beer at Oktoberfest, Paulaner Oktoberfestbier (5.8%) is full bodied and has notes of toffee and fruit.
  • Spatenbräu: Their Oktoberfestbier (5.9% abv) is full-bodied with a delicate sweetness, light taste of hops, and a gentle bitterness.
  • Staatliches Hofbräu-München: Hofbräu’s Oktoberfestbier (6.3% abv) is mild and palatable with a sweet, light, tart fruit finish.


What to eat at Oktoberfest?

A classic rookie mistake is not eating enough while you’re drinking, which is almost an impressive feat to accomplish because the food at Oktoberfest is fucking heavenly. It’s the kind of chow that puts hair on your chest, makes you feel like a ferocious Germanic warrior, and equips you to guzzle brew after brew without batting an eyelash. Basically none of it’s good for you, but we don’t do Oktoberfest for our health.

Meat is the holy grail of Oktoberfest cuisine, and the tents are infamous for crispy pork knuckle served with a giant knife, golden roast chicken, and oxen cooked on a massive spit. On top of meat, gigantic salty soft pretzels are easily the most popular food, and for a reason: they’re cheap, delicious, and perfect for sopping up beer. For a full guide on food you’ve gotta knock back at Oktoberfest, check out this article.


How to get to Oktoberfest?

Flying to Oktoberfest:

If you’re trekking to Oktoberfest from across the globe or the far stretches of Europe, flying to Munich is probably necessary. Ticket prices to the Munich International Airport, which is 35 minutes from the heart of the city, get jacked up the closer it gets to the fest. To scope out the cheapest flights, Skyscanner is your best mate.

Train to Oktoberfest:

If you’re already in Europe and decently close to Munich, it’s worthwhile to look into train travel. Going by train takes a little longer and it’s not the cheapest option, but it leaves the smallest carbon footprint and comes with the added bonus of sightseeing along the way. Plus there’s no pesky luggage fees, and you don’t have to worry about driving hungover or missing a flight.

Bus to Oktoberfest:

Bussing is probably the cheapest option if you’re near Germany. Flixbus generally has insanely great prices, prime for students and backpackers. The bus takes a while, but you’re crammed in with heaps of fellow travellers, aka your new best friends.

Stoke provides private bus transport from Barcelona, Amsterdam, Prague, and Italy to take the stress off transportation so you can prioritize other stuff, like partying along the way with your beautiful future tent neighbors.

Driving to Oktoberfest:

We all love jamming to stellar music on a good roadie with the buds. Driving to Oktoberfest is an option if you have access to a car or have friends who want to split the cost of renting one with you. The only downside is that you have to put the car somewhere during the festival, and parking can get pretty dicey. It’s also unlikely that you’ll be using it during the fest given that you’ll probably be sloshed out of your mind if you’re doing it right.


Feel like an Okiefest expert? Ready to put your knowledge to the test? Book Stoke Travel’s all-inclusive Oktoberfest experience to join the biggest party outside the beer halls.

The post Need-to-Know Oktoberfest Information appeared first on Stoke Travel.


Camping in Costa Brava: the 5 most ‘grammable moments

When we go on vacay we all mutate into cringy, basic Insta binches. Stoke knows in the dark, dingy corners of your soul you secretly relish making your friends back home seethe with jealousy, so we set up a brand-spankin’-new beach camp in Costa Brava. It’s the coast with the most, and a location straight out of an Instagrammer’s wet dream. Here are Costa Brava’s most ‘grammable moments so you can get the sweet, sweet emotional validation of a comment or twelve.


It’s inevitable: we all gain a little travel weight, whether it’s from knocking back brews nonstop or scarfing down platefuls of tapas all while convincing ourselves “it’s okay because vacation calories aren’t real!” Don’t fear, your sleazy ex who still follows you for some godforsaken reason never needs to know about your lovable travel gut! Behold, kayaking! The first thing you have going for you is that you’ll be sporting a life jacket, which is pretty much just a souped-up lifesaving waterproof girdle. Secondly, you’re constantly using your arms to paddle, which makes your oiled-up shoulder muscles glisten in a way that would put Hercules to shame. Your ex will know #ragret like never before.


Snorkeling is adventurous. It’s cool. It makes you look bold and gritty and intrepid, and it’s a prime balancer so everyone knows you’re not just tossing your money clubbing and getting sloshed on your Eurotrip. Costa Brava’s waters are mind-blowingly blue, which means time to whip out the Go-Pro. Cue spam of you adorably swimming amongst the fishies and coral! Cue hilarious, endearing candids of you hopping around after accidentally stepping on a sea urchin! Cue that total babe who follows you sliding into your DMs!

Cliff jumping

The view from the cliffs on Costa B’s coastline is borderline orgasmic, which makes it the perfect backdrop for when you’re flaunting your daring, gutsy spirit (and your swimsuit-clad beach bod). Nothing will let the internet know how much of a badass you are than a sick vid of you plunging into the crystalline depths of the Balearic Sea from stomach-churning heights. You’ll look like Indiana Jones and Poseidon’s beautiful, ballsy illegitimate love child.

When our beautiful, stellar staff at the campsite aren’t busy cooking delicious meals and hosting beer pong tourneys, they spend their free time scouring the coast for the most righteous cliff-jumping locations. Thanks to their hard work, you can skip the only mildly gorgeous cliff-jumping spots and bee-line to the “holy shit my eyeballs have peaked” sites.

Beautiful beaches

Yeah, we know, the standard beach pic is hella dusty. At this point, the typical booty shot and “casual” ab pics, typically paired up with some vom-inducing caption like “beaches be crazy” or “I’m a true oceanholic,” make us roll our eyes so far back into our skulls that we can see our last two braincells brawling for survival.

At Costa Brava, you won’t be tossing up average posts because you won’t be doing average shit. You can snag a pic of you being sporty while spiking a volleyball, or a snapshot looking majestic and tranquil as fuck while doing guided morning acroyoga. We’ll keep it on the DL that you actually swallowed an entire mouthful of sand diving for the ball, or that you were hungover and looked like you were in the most painful part of labor during the yoga sesh. The other ‘grammers will see you as a sandy, glistening, tan beach god.

With your new mates

You never know who you’ll meet at the beach camp, whether it’s your new best travel buddy, or hell, even the love of your life! And obviously you want to prove to your family back home that you’re not a friendless flog. This is the perfect op for you to snag a boomerang bumping glasses of sangria, looking hot as the Spanish sun while playing beach olympics with your new crew, or grinning like a goon while soaking up some rays next to your buds.

Maybe you’ve heard raunchy whispers of our infamous Wheel of Misfortune from other Stoke experiences like Oktoberfest and Running of the Bulls. Our Beach Camp at Costa Brava is no exception, and the Wheel provides perfect content for a saucy snap, whether you end up smashing a shoey out of a gnarly flip flop or doing a boob luge with a campsite cutie whose tent you’ll inevitably end up sharing. Either way, everyone will see how super cool, popular, and worldly you are, beer dripping down your chin, wild-eyed, full-hearted, surrounded by fellow legends.


Ready to transcend to true traveling ~influencer~ status? Join us at our new Costa Brava beach camp to make all the babes want you and all the peasants want to be you!

The post Camping in Costa Brava: the 5 most ‘grammable moments appeared first on Stoke Travel.


7 Ways to Get Ripped Off in Barcelona

If you’ve had friends who’ve travelled to Barcelona, they’ve probably come home from an insane week-long bender with tales about chucking caution to the wind, devouring the best food of their lives and partying with strangers through the night until sunrise on the beach. Since Barcelona is Stoke’s wild, beautiful European base, we’ve come to know her well. She may be your best bad influence, but she’s also the one who steals your stuff, takes your money for drinks, and won’t hit you back for the cab at the end of the night.  Here are some guaranteed ways to get ripped off in one of the most legendary, stellar cities in the world, and a few tricks to avoid them.


Getting robbed/pickpocketed

If you think you’re good with your hands, the pickpockets of Barcelona will put you to shame. Masters of distraction and deception, they’ll jack your phone and wallet with a mystical disappearance that would make Houdini blush. Don’t let looks deceive you, either – it could be that the only number that hottie at the club wants from you is the one on your Mastercard.  

To avoid finding yourself possessionless you should probably become a recluse, hermited up alone under the covers in your hostel bed for your Barca vacay. If you venture into the dangerous cut-throat outdoors, exclusively go nude to let the thieves know you have absolutely nothing for them to steal. If you must bring a bag, fill all extra pockets with spaghetti, shit, and bees as a nasty surprise for any pickpocket trying to sneak in a cheeky finger.

Or, ya know, just keep your stuff in front of you on the metro and don’t leave your wallet in your back pocket like a dumbass. Don’t let strangers touch you in the street, and remember that any stranger who refers to you as My friend, is almost certainly not your friend. Plus, losing a phone in Barcelona is basically a twisted rite of passage.


Going to touristy restaurants

A stock photo of paella as restaurant advertisement is just about as reliable as Alejandro, 25, 1.89m’s Tinder ab selfie. Unless you want to be dished up reheated, watery paella and shitty “authentic” sangria, avoid the stock photo restaurants at all costs, especially any place directly on Las Ramblas. They will charge you an arm, a leg, 5% of your future income, and the soul of your firstborn child for a meal you could chef up with a microwave and some frozen shrimp.

Finding good paella takes major skill. Usually, the mom-and-pop restaurants will make you paella to order instead of a frozen dinner that’ll break the bank. If you don’t trust your own sketchy judgment, ask a local what’s good, and remember that real paella is golden brown, never yellow. Yellow paella is a major non non.


Buying drinks on the beach

We get it, nothing feels like a relaxing vacation more than sipping a fancy pink fruity drink with a teensy cocktail umbrella right on the beach. Barcelona’s oceanside bars (called “chiringuitos”) know that tourists will toss major coinage to feel beachy and posh. Before you know it, you’re five margs deep and dizzily squinting at the bill wondering how the fuck you’ve managed to spend €55 in one go. You told yourself you’d only get a drink or two: a lie we’ve all told ourselves before waking up on a park bench in the blinding light of the next morning dazed, dry-mouthed, clutching a stolen glass from a mystery bar.

To avoid the following drunken disbelief, mild self-loathing, and empty pockets, we recommend buying a cheap bottle of local wine and going to the beach for €0. Or if you want to make your friends green with envy, feel like a boujee swashbucklin’ pirate, and toss back unlimited sangria and beer whilst sailing the ocean blue for the price of three piña coladas on the beach, Stoke’s got you covered with our official legendary Barcelona Boat Parties.


Making it rain at the club

The drunk mind does what the sober heart wants, and that includes selling your left kidney for a single vodka Redbull at the club. Your delirious drunk self might think it’s a stroke of suave genius to purchase 12 tequila shots for a picante stunner and their whole entourage, but you know what they say: tequila to kill ya (and your wallet). At the classy, polished clubs they’ll milk you for all you’ve got, which includes dishing out at least €7 for a single beer. This is a fucking racket, might I add, considering you can get a decent beer at any market for a handful of chump change.

Our advice: pregame. Pregame hard. Get schwasted before you even think about leaving for the club. Save yourself the bankruptcy headache piledriven on top of your inevitable pulsing hangover migraine. And if the stunner needs heaps of tequila to get on with you, they might not like you that much in the first place.


Dressing like you’re fresh off the boat

Everyone loves a tourist whipping their selfie stick around like a lightsaber-wielding Star Wars fanatic at Comic-Con. Nothing screams high fashion like tube socks and jandals. Wearing only swim trunks and your farmer’s tan on the metro is guaranteed to let the locals know you’re a certified beach babe.

Don’t get me wrong, we love practicality and comfort on travel just as much as the next guy. But the Spanish are a fashionable bunch. Your highlighter pink “I LOVE BCN” hoodie is a beacon summoning all the dirty rascals looking for unassuming tourists to swindle, and we’re better than that! So leave the neon green velcro sneakers at home, and tuck that camera away, unless you want to be a big, blinking target for the dicks out there just waiting to rip you off.


Buying anything on Las Ramblas

Las Ramblas is the hot, burning sun at the center of the rip-off universe. The vendors, shopkeepers, and servers there will take advantage of sightseers who are looking for convenience, don’t know there’s cheaper stuff literally a few blocks away, or think they’re getting the genuine, insider Barcelona experience. They’d upcharge the dirt under the pavement on the street if they could.

Please, for the love of god, don’t waste your hard-earned cash on trinkets that you could get for cheap five minutes away when you could be spending those extra euros on alc. We’re throwing caution to the wind here, not our precious euro bills.


Taking taxis everywhere

A good way to scam yourself is to take taxis when it’s totally unnecessary. If there’s a big event like a festival going on, taxi drivers will charge you three times their regular fee just because they know your turnt ass is desperate for transport.

Barcelona’s public transit is tight. The busses and metros are super cost-effective and will get you where you need to go for a euro or two. Plus, walking is always free, and it’s a good way to work off all the delicious paella and sangria you’ll be scarfing down leagues away from Las Ramblas at those awesome restaurants we mentioned earlier.


Ready to party in one of Europe’s most iconic fiesta destinations? Snag your tickets for one of Stoke’s Barcelona Boat Parties to start your night off right, or join us for our rad Barcelona City Break!

The post 7 Ways to Get Ripped Off in Barcelona appeared first on Stoke Travel.
