Sources Confirm, That Bierfrau is Definitely Into You

According to various experts, that Bavarian Bathsheba who poured your last liter was definitely checking you out.  Sources confirm that, among the several thousand men she served during the festival, nobody pulled off that lederhosen like you did.

Stoke News heard rumors of the modern-day fairy tale that took place during Springfest, and went to investigate.  With help from various witnesses, experts, and a composite of phone videos taken around that magical moment, Stoke was able to piece together the events that led to your soul recognizing its boozy counterpart in another.

One witness claims it all started around your fourth liter.  “I saw him make his way to the bar, and he tripped a little bit but caught himself.  Then he locked eyes with the barmaid, and that’s when I knew that something wonderful was happening.”

Videos of the scene clearly show the buxom bierfrau getting lost in your eyes as you butcher the pronunciation of ein liter bitte. It’s hard to say exactly what drew her to you so immediately.  Some think it was the wet spot on your shirt from when you’d spilled your beer earlier that day, while others are sure it was the unshaven, unwashed appearance you’d cultivated over several nights of camping.  Whatever the cause, the result was obvious.

One expert weighed in on the scene.  “Here, as she puts the beer down in front of him, we can see her bending over just so, baring her ample bosom for our subject,” the expert said.  “Her body language and attitude are all indicative of a mating ritual.”

“Sparks were flying, for sure,” said one Springfest visitor who witnessed the scene.  “The way she looked at him and demanded ‘zehn euro,’ I got chills.”

Indeed, your primal display of courtship left an impression on those that witnessed it.  During our research, Stoke was bombarded by questions about what became of your whirlwind affair.

When asked for a comment, the siren of steins seemed confused at first.  “What?” she said. Eventually, though, and with a loving twinkle in her eye, our hoppy heroine recalled. “You mean the boy who wouldn’t stop staring at meine brüste? He’s cut off.”

Don’t worry though, everybody knows she’s just playing hard to get.

Are you the lederhosened Lothario of legend? Only one way to find out. Well two, actually.

The post Sources Confirm, That Bierfrau is Definitely Into You appeared first on Stoke Travel.


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