8 eventos de surf para este verano 2018

Otro año más la temporada veraniega se nos ha echado encima y qué mejor momento para aprovechar y planear nuestras vacaciones surferas. Si quieres aunar diversión, espectáculo y surf, echa un ojo a estos eventos surferos que tienen lugar durante el verano. 

Desde Cantabria hasta Galicia, la costa cantábrica aprovecha los meses de calor para atraer a cientos de surfistas hasta sus playas y disfrutar del buen surf.

Y es que para hacer más amenos estos días libres de verano existen varios festivales con el surf como tema central,  que atraen a surfistas y llenan las playas de música espectáculos, y mucho surf  surferos.

Estos son los planes surferos que nos esperan este año.

Eventos de surf 2018

23 junio- SurfSolidario, Gijón

Otro año más se celebra la jornada de VIII Surf Solidario en Gijón.

Este festival tiene carácter benéfico y toda la recaudación conseguida en sus actividades va a parar a buenas causas.

Desde el 2012 esta asociación utiliza el surf para recaudar fondos para niños con cancer, o a ayudar a los niño/as con diferentes discapacidades a disfrutar del surf.

25 junio- 1 julio- Campeonato de Surf de España, Valdoviño (FERROL)

Se celebra el campeonato de España de Surf tanto por equipos autonómicos como individual. Aunque este año la fortuna ha hecho que no se tengan las mejores condiciones para este campeonato, el campeonato de España de surf siempre es un buen plan para comenzar el verano.

19-22 julio- Motorbeach, Playa La Espasa (Asturias)

Vehículos de dos ruedas, vehículos clásicos, música y surf. Esto es lo que auna este festival veraniego en la playa de La Espasa , Asturias.

El Motorbeach cuenta con exposiciones de vehículos antiguos, campeonatos de surf, carreras de motos, y sobre todo, mucha música, .

Suena bien, ¿verdad? Pues este año ya no tienes excusa para perdértelo.

26-29 Julio- Salinas Longboard Festival

Otro año más y ya van 17. Este campeonato celebrado en la localidad asturiana de Salinas es uno de los festivales con más tradición de nuestro país.

Aunque si es cierto que con los años se ha vuelto más y más turístico, el surf y en especial el Longboard siguen teniendo un peso importante en este festival que aúna el surf con la fiesta y la diversión.

Salinas longboard festival

2-5 agosto- Surf, Music & Friends, Salinas

Si has ido a Salinas por el Longboard Festival no recojas tus cosas todavía, una semana más tarde de este festival llega el Surf, Music & Friends.

Este festival nació como contrapartida por la comercialización del Salinas Longboard Festival, y quieren darle al deporte un lugar principal en el mismo pero sin dejar el buen ambiente y el buen rollo del surf.

En este festival tendrás música, surf, yoga y un campeonato de waterman (campeonato de socorristas), al más puro estilo australiano.

festival surf music and friends salinas

31 ag- 2 sep-  9º Festival Escuela Cántabra de surf, Somo

La Escuela Cántabra de surf vuelve con su festival de 3 días donde toda la comunidad surfera podrá disfrutar de lo mejor del surf de Cantabria.

Del 31 de agosto al 2 de septiembre la localidad surfera de Somo se viste de gala para ser el centro de este festival organizado por la primera escuela de surf de España.

30 agosto-4 septiembre- Pantin Classic

El Pantín Classic Pro es la única competición internacional que queda en nuestro país.

Aprovechando la localidad gallega de Pantín, cuyo mar parece ser una máquina de olas de calidad. Se celebra todos los años una ronda clasificatoria para la WSL.

Actualmente declarada como fiesta de interés turístico por la región de Galicia, este evento clasificatorio para la liga mundial es un acontecimiento único que reúne a los mejores surfistas internacionales. Es la competición de surf con más recorrido en España, realizándose desde 1988, y atrae a miles de fanáticos del surf cada año a su playa.

En un enclave único, semi salvaje es sin duda el mejor festival/evento de surf que encontraréis este verano.

7  septiembre- 13 septiembre Root Fest- El Palmar

En una de las mejores playas de Andalucía tiene lugar este festival en el Palmar que une música, talleres, surf, skate, yoga, y muy, muy buen rollo. Uno de los festivales más largos que puedes encontrar en nuestro país.

Tras varias sesiones en Marruecos, este festival se mueve al sur de España, es sin duda un fin de verano perfecto, lleno de surf, talleres, y buena música.

festival de surf y musica en el palmar

Todavía estás a tiempo de organizar tu agenda y no perderte ni un festival surfero este verano.

¿Tienes ya pensado ir a alguno de estos festivales? ¿Vas a otro que no está en la lista?


La entrada 8 eventos de surf para este verano 2018 se publicó primero en Surfmocion.

Source: http://surfmocion.com/feed/

Croatia Goss

A special report from our Stoke Afloat Croatia correspondent

The cardinal rule of Stoke Afloat Croatia is “What happens on the boat, stays on the boat,”
but that wouldn’t be any fun, now would it? This is a collection of my favorite moments from last year’s Stoke Afloat Croatia cruises, from the entertaining to the downright disgusting. After all, when you’ve got unlimited beer and sangria onboard, things tend to get a bit weird.

Each cruise has its own way of spreading the family gossip. We discussed the dirty details of the previous night’s antics over breakfast, wrote down the juiciest stories on the whiteboard to be displayed in all their glory, or, for the more creative, utilized “Kangaroo Court,” in which penalty drinks are passed out for behavior – whether good or bad.

One night in particular, as Kangaroo Court was in full swing, it quickly came out that a latecomer, nicknamed “Slasher,” had wasted no time in getting his money’s worth of alcohol and gotten piss-drunk – literally. Slasher managed to pee all over the dance floor in the club. Not surprisingly, the Court, in true Stokie fashion, penalized him heavily, then turned this into a joke that he couldn’t live down for the rest of the week.

One bright, shining morning, after a big night in Dubrovnik’s famed island club, Carpe Diem, with hangovers just starting to set in, a certain female – let’s call her “Anna” – admitted that she had slept with two different boys the previous evening. Up it went on the whiteboard amid smaller infractions, such as scaling a clock tower at 2am just for the fun of it, and stealing freshly cooked pizzas from under the nose of those who had just paid for them. Imagine the shock of our second Anna on board, another girl with the same name, at us having discovered her secret so quickly. Yes, it turns out that the two weren’t only similar in having the same name, but also a sexual appetite that simply could not be satisfied by just one man.

While their beach rendezvous provided relative privacy, when you live on a ship with 18 other humans for a week, trying to have a bang in private (without the risk of clothing being swept away into the ocean) can prove quite difficult. The solution, though perhaps not the most creative, that one gal came up with was to come back early from a night out and hope none of her shipmates had the same idea. However, she happened to pass by someone who had come back to retrieve the lazy bums who were having trouble leaving the ship (though on second thought, perhaps it was alcohol and not laziness that had prevented them from making it out), however, and told them, “Don’t worry, we’ll be quick.” She and her companion then went on to have such vigorous sex that they broke the bed. Unfortunately, this meant she had to sleep in a broken bed for the rest of the trip. Hopefully the root was worth it.

Others didn’t seem to mind an audience, as proved by two of our fine pirates who were caught in the middle of a sloppy doggy-style on the top deck. When they realized others were watching, they valiantly continued, even as the cameras came out.

Understandably, when one is absolutely smashed and attempting to find the way back to the safety of the ship in the middle of the night, mistakes may be made. One guest in particular forced the captain to wake up our guide in order to collect her from the toilets, where she was peacefully napping it off. All we can say is, points for making it to a bathroom, even if it was on the wrong ship.

The dancers in Dubrovnik’s Culture Club Revelin might be fascinating, but were no match for one athletic gal who showed us that pole dancing is indeed a sport, and one that you should definitely pull out at a small club in Korcula in order to impress the crowd. This lady even scored herself a spot on staff at Oktoberfest for her abilities! What we’ve learned from this superstar: never fight the impulse to show off your party tricks.

The cruising season was filled with straight arms, failed twerking sessions, nudie jumps, tequila boom booms, chugs, spews, and questionable choices.  A good bit of gossip was inevitable, and these are only the highlights. I did my best to protect the identities of the legends in these tales, but be warned: on the Stoke Afloat Croatia trip, you will do ridiculous things, and we will know about them.


This shouldn’t stop you from making your own mistakes at Stoke Afloat 2018.  We Stokies deserve a good laugh, and you deserve the trip of a lifetime.

The post Croatia Goss appeared first on Stoke Travel.

Source: https://stoketravel.com/feed/

Our London To Oktoberfest Train Is The Best Deal!

Ok, ok, on paper the price of our London to Oktoberfest train package is a little off-putting. £500 for a three night trip! Seems extortionate. Who do we bloody think we are? Well let us tell you who we think we are, because not only is this not a bad deal, it’s a bloody good deal! It’s a deal forged with our blood, sweat and emails just so we could deliver you, England-bound lovers of beer and goodtimes into the Munich emporiums of beers and goodtimes as expediently, cost effectively and with as much goddamn fun as possible.

First, let’s go through what the Stoke Travel megadeal includes. For £500 you get (and this is from the website):

  • Return train from London to the Oktoberfest campsite
  • 3 nights camping accommodation in pre-erected twin-share tents with a sleeping bag and camping mattress
  • A tasty breakfast each morning and hearty dinner each evening (vegetarians can be catered for)
  • On camp supermarket, showers and bathrooms available
  • Guide from the campsite to the Oktoberfest beer halls
  • Parties each night at our Stoke Travel bar
  • A once in a lifetime experience with crazy international travellers from across the world!

Sounds good, yeah? But let’s elaborate a little.

For starters, the return train is OUR OWN GODDAMN TRAIN, and we’ll be the only punters on it. This means that you’ve got a captive audience of your fellow Oktoberfesters, which in turn means that you’ve got plenty of time to work out who’s in your drinking squad, who you’d like to try and snog,  who laughs at your jokes, etc.

There won’t be travellers telling you to shush, and while we can’t encourage you to get lit up from departure to destination (last year’s train was held up due to rowdy partiers) we can give you a little wink and say that train drinking is definitely not totally against the rules.

Plus there’s a chance of joining the four-foot high club, which isn’t as illustrious as its mile-high cousin, but joining any club of this genre is always an exciting prospect.

And now to why paying £500 for this experience is a good deal.

  1. Accommodation in Munich for Oktoberfest is already super expensive, and only getting moreso. On Booking.com Stoke Travel’s already the cheapest, at £160 for the three nights, but if you wanted to stay anywhere else you’re looking at £260 minimum.
    Non-Stoke price: £160-260
  2. Airfares, like rooms, are also already expensive for the London-Munich route, but if you book your flights NOW you’re still looking at £224 minimum (with EasyJet, ew) and £271 on British Airways. And that’s only going to go up.
    Non-Stoke price: £224-271
  3. Transfers from London to the airport are going to cost you around £15 EACH WAY on the train to Stansted/Luton/Gatwick, with that price going up to about £35 each way in an Uber. Geeeeezus!
    Non-Stoke price: £30-70
  4. Transfers from Munich airport to the campsite are also going to fuck you up, coming in at £16 each way on the train, and then another £3 on the bus, or £60 each way in an Uber.
    Non-Stoke price: £38-120
  5. Not being on the party train?
    Non-Stoke price: a priceless amount of FOMO

TOTAL: if you don’t travel on the Stoke Travel party train, and book everything now! You’re looking at paying at least £452-721, and it only goes up from there. You can also add onto that breakfasts, dinners, and off-Oktoberfest beer budget (Stoke have an on-site open beer bar for an extra €10 a day) if you book a hotel that isn’t Stoke Travel…

Can you not see how good a deal this is? It’s insanely good, great, amazing. We’ve somehow managed to deliver to you the most effective, convenient and cheap way to see Oktoberfest and doubled down by making it the most goddamn FUN.

You do the math. Do it. And then book.

There you have it, it’s an insanely good time at an amazingly great price. The train has a certain number of seats, so if you want to reserve your spot you’d better do so soon.


The post Our London To Oktoberfest Train Is The Best Deal! appeared first on Stoke Travel.

Source: https://stoketravel.com/feed/

Laga Loggin 2018 la crónica de una gran fiesta del surfing. PHOTOS

Pues recién llegados de Vizcaya, con una gran sonrisa de oreja a oreja, después de haber disfrutado del #LOGGINLAGA 2018, nos ponemos con esta pequeña crónica de lo que ocurrió, de lo que se pudo ver en la playa y de lo que sentimos en este rincón de la costa Vizcaína. Nos traemos nuevas amistades […]
Source: http://www.revistahangten.com/feed/

Art Vs Science To Play World’s Best City

Art Vs Science playing San Sebastian’s Dabadaba club, July 4th, doors open at 9pm

Supported by Honey Hayze (Australia), La Redada (Mexico), with DJ Semichub playing B2B with Houseconcowbell (Maroubra)

Entry €15, includes one delicious drink

Australian banger merchants, Art Vs Science, have confirmed that in addition to playing Pamplona’s Stoked In The Park festival (soon to be known as the best damn little festival that there ever was) they’ll be putting on an additional show in what is widely believed to be the best city in the world, Spain’s San Sebastian.

San Sebastian, constantly vying with Barcelona for world’s best city honours (and taking the prize over the summer months) is the Basque Country’s premier seaside resort, featuring more Michelin stars than any city other than Paris, more bars per square meter than anywhere else in Spain and more lumps of sizzling flesh spread across its beaches than anywhere your creepy little eyes have ever seen.

Unlike Barcelona, which also has its fair share of bars, restaurants, titties and speedos, San Sebastian can also brag pretty good surf over the summer months, with fun waves greeting guests at the San Sebastian Surf House, or its au naturel cousin the Zarautz Beach Camp.

Art Vs Science have been favourites of San Sebastian ever since the Stoke crew played their hit Parlez Vous Francais at every stop of their infamous Old Town pub crawl (now defunct). Bar owners in San Sebastian, who in fact did parle un petit peu de français were routinely bemused by the song’s lyrics, while unable to deny the stomping bass line and effect it would have on the pubcrawlers’ dance moves.

The addition of the San Sebastian show has eaten into Art Vs Science’s Spanish vacation, but we’re sure that they’ll appreciate a rabid crowd made up lunatic Australian travellers, European surfers and Basque party animals. They will be joined on the night by Sydney’s Honey Hayze, Mexico’s La Redada and Maroubra’s own DJ Semichub playing a back-to-back set with Houseconcowbells.

Art Vs Science will be playing at the Dabadaba club, click here for directions, which my San Sebastian born and based ex-girlfriend has advised me is Super guay! (that means “really cool” for all you uncultured swine out there).

Entry is €15 and includes one drink. The party will go on for fucken ever, because this is Spain after all.

See you there!


The post Art Vs Science To Play World’s Best City appeared first on Stoke Travel.

Source: https://stoketravel.com/feed/

Why You Should Go To Zarautz Beach Camp

We spend a lot of time singing the praises of the San Sebastian Surf House, and rightfully so because it is amazing, but let us tell you a thing or two about or wonderful Zarautz Beach Camp.

The Surf House, with its real beds and stately construction in the traditional Basque style, would seem like the obvious choice for a San Sebastian surf holiday. But down the bottom of the hill from Aia, where the house is, is a smaller hill, and on top of that you’ll find our Zarautz Beach Camp, and it’s very damn lovely in its own right.

Here are the benefits of the camp:

  1. It’s nearer to the beach
    From the surf house you have to rely on our shuttles to get you down to the surf and back up. At the camp you can use your two feet and heartbeat, so even though you’ll be walking down — and then back up — the hill you can surf, swim and sunbathe whenever you want and wherever you want along the Zarautz beach.
  2. The views are spectacular
    From the Surf House the views take you across the rolling Basque hills and down to the Bay of Biscay, adding a foreground to your sunset vista. From the Surf Camp, however, we’re seeing the sunset from the front row, in all its glory, with only the unbearably gorgeous town of Getaria interrupting the view.
  3. The party is merely a walk away
    If you want to find a party from the Surf Camp the town of Zarautz is a wander down the hill and a mean stumble back up once the festivities have wrapped. There you’ll find a bunch of small, fun bars, some with food, others with pumping top-40 dance music. At the Surf House you will spend most of your evenings in the house, drinking in our downstairs bar, and sometimes rolling on a bus into San Sebastian city for a wilder night on the tiles.
  4. You’ll be sleeping in tents
    And while it is more intense than sleeping on a real bed in the surf house, staying in tents does add the illusion of privacy (there’s a nylon wall between you and your neighbours), plus you’re having an adventure in nature, so you can always brag to your friends about being the outdoorsy type.
  5. The Surf House fills up
    But the Surf Camp has unlimited availability, meaning that if you’re a late booker, or you’re rolling with a gang of hundreds, there will always be a place for you up the hill in Zarautz.

The Zarautz Surf Camp is open on the hill alongside Zarautz beach from the 30th of June to the 22nd of July. The San Sebastian Surf House is open from the end of May until sometime in September. Both are awesome in their own special way, so whichever your preference make sure you make the pilgrimage the the Basque coast this summer.

The post Why You Should Go To Zarautz Beach Camp appeared first on Stoke Travel.

Source: https://stoketravel.com/feed/

10 Ways For European Travellers To Save Money

There’s nothing finer in our young adult, adult, and elderly adult lives than travelling Europe. Oh the culture! The civilisation! The way they don’t mind when we act so uncivilised! Travelling Europe is such an important rite of passage between being a youngster growing up in your hometown, and having Europe make you realise that you cannot possibly live there anymore.

But it can be so expensive! Europe costs so much sometimes, especially to new travellers who don’t really know how to have a great time and keep their pennies heavy in their pockets. Well, lucky for you we’ve done the hard yards and learnt through pain, loss and good times just how to save money while on the road.

Pay attention to this list, because if you follow these 10 pieces of advice, not only will you spend less money in Europe, but probably return home fucking loaded!

  1. Attend Stoked In The Park Pamplona
    Music festivals are such a part of the European experience, but once you’ve paid the entry fee (fair) then you have to find accommodation (difficult) sort out all your meals (this is getting full on) and then buy all of your drinks. But at Stoked In The Park for €60 per day you get to see Art Vs Science, have your accommodation included in the ticket price, as well as breakfasts and dinners and for for an extra €10 per day we’ll open up our unlimited beer and sangria bars to you. Money = saved right there.
  2. Sail Croatia with Stoke
    Much like all other sail Croatia deals, Stoke’s isn’t that cheap – boats that don’t sink, captains that don’t sink them, etc cost money. The big difference between Stoke’s sail Croatia trip and others, however, is that we have an open bar onboard (seeing a trend here?), so that while on other boats you’ll be burning money on beers on the boat, while with Stoke you can drink as many as you want (trust us, it will be a lot).
  3. Use Stoke Travel to transfer between Barcelona and Valencia
    You’re going to La Tomatina, right, well instead of paying for your Stoke stay separate to you transport, combine the two of them and ride on our private coach with us. We’ll pick you up from central Barcelona and take you directly to your accommodation. Or ride with us from Barcelona or San Sebastian to Pamplona for Running of the Bulls, or even London to Munich for Oktoberfest. Chances are, that from wherever you are we can get you a ride to where you’re going and save you some serious cheddar.
  4. Camp in Ibiza with Stoke Travel
    Ibiza is one of those places you’ve just got to visit on your Europe trip, but have you seen how expensive accommodation is! Food! Drinks! This is an island that caters to Russian oligarchs, Arab princes and… scumbag travellers just like you thanks to Stoke’s Ibiza Beach Camp, situated on the water and with accommodation and breakfast included in the price, you’ll be saving money, making friends and working on your tan.
  5. Combine your surf lessons with your accommodation and meals package
    So you want to become a shred dog while travelling, and you’d be mad not too – Europe has some of the best beaches for learning to surf in the world, not least of which because they’re home to Europe’s coastal culture, including a very relaxed attitude to bikini tops and speedo bottoms. But surf lessons are expensive, as is accommodation near the beach and your post-surf sandwich… well the Stoke Travel San Sebastian Surf Camp combines all of the above in the one neat little package and with licensed and experienced Australian surf instructors to boot. So not only do you save money, but some beautiful Australian surf god/goddess might just save your life too.
  6. Make the most of Stoke Travel’s open bar before you hit the Oktoberfest beer halls
    Oktoberfest is on the bucket list for sure, it’s the world’s biggest beer party, probably the world’s biggest party devoted to any particular booze, and those beer halls are hallowed tents of tens-of-thousands of revellers tipping back steins and paying in excess of €10 for each one! And while that’s eminently worth the pasta, you can save serious dough by loading up on beers in our world-famous campsite bar beforehand.
  7. Sail the Barcelona coastline on a Stoke Travel boat party
    Won’t your friends back home just be desperate with envy when they see you sailing the Catalan coastline of a sunset, admiring the way the day ends over the Barcelona city skyline. Well imagine how envious they’ll be when they realise that you only paid €50 for the experience, including two alco-mo-holic beverages and a BBQ. Hot damn! Money saved!
  8. See wine country on Stoke’s San Vino trip
    Wine country in Europe is something very lovely that you should squeeze into your trip, but not exactly cost effective. Nobody thinks budget when they think about going wine tasting. Well, guess who visits Spanish wine country with the intention of catching one of Europe’s coolest festivals and seeing La Rioja, one of the world’s premier red-wine producing regions… you guessed right, Stoke Travel do. And like everything else it’s all-inclusive, with an open bar, so you just know you’ll be saving money here too.

That’s only eight ways to save money while you’re travelling Europe, we know, but the ninth is so big it should be worth two. The ultimate way to save money while travelling Europe is to get yourself a Stoke Travel Passport, which will allow you to visit four of our destinations and trips and have three nights all-inclusive in each, which means you’ll get 12 nights of Stoke Travel joy for only €550. That way you can tick off four of our money saving tips from above, or get yourself two passports and do them all.

The post 10 Ways For European Travellers To Save Money appeared first on Stoke Travel.

Source: https://stoketravel.com/feed/

Momentos gratificantes de surfing con Sterling Spencer. Film

Sterling Spencer es un “freesurfer”  de Florida, un tío bastante conocido al otro lado del charco, por sus desenfados vídeos de surf y por su faceta de bloguero, donde se quedaba con toda la fauna surfer y la industria y claro por su estratosférico surfing, un tío con una facilidad pasmosa para cambiar de tabla […]
Source: http://www.revistahangten.com/feed/

How To Avoid Dying At The Running Of The Bulls

It could be argued that there’s nothing more that one should hope to achieve from the Running of the Bulls, than not dying. When putting oneself in front of 500 kilogram bulls, confused, scared, perhaps angry bulls, the best we can hope for is to emerge on the other side with our bodies – and indeed our lives – intact.

With something as important as your very life at stake, you don’t want to leave your San Fermin fortunes up to fate. No need to chance this very important five minutes, which is as long as most bull runs last, may as well make some decisions beforehand, and during, that severely up your odds at keeping your feet firmly planted somewhere on this mortal coil.

It is in the interest of your survival post the first week or so of July that we will share with you this guide to surviving the bull run. To be completely fair, we want you alive, not least because we like you a lot, but even more so because if you are killed by a bull while staying with us it makes for horrible press, and also a living traveller is better return business.

  1. Don’t run with bulls
    This is by far and away the most surefire method to survive the bull run. Sleep in that morning, or arrive just to spectate. Stand the run out, stay away from the bulls. 100% of the bulls who can’t touch you, can’t kill you. You can also be proud that you didn’t contribute to the cruelty of the bull run.
  2. Focus on dodging the bulls
    Many runners will put their heads down and sprint for their life while the bulls breathe down their neck. This is a terrible idea. With your back turned to the bulls you can never truly perceive when they’re angling to impale you, and the fact of the matter is that you will never outrun the bulls from start to finish – at some point they will overtake you. What is better is to go for a slight jog while the bulls are approaching, checking over your shoulder for their arrival, and when they’re upon you turning to face them and jumping out of their path. What is fun then is to run alongside and then behind the bulls, but watch out if they crash.
  3. If the bulls fall down, get the fuck out of there
    Normally the bulls will follow the steers down the centre of the bull run. Occasionally the bulls won’t make it around a corner, crash out and lose the pack. The bulls then can turn around, run back up the course in the opposite direction, or worse still select someone from amongst the runners in front of them and relentlessly gore them until their attention is taken by someone pulling on their tail. You do not want to be one of the bull’s options for this relentless goring.
  4. Avoid the bull run’s danger spots
    Dead man’s corner is so called because it’s not where you want to be if staying alive is high on your priorities list. Make sure you’re not in front of the bulls at that point, or even behind because they sometimes fall down there and, see point three. Another dangerous spot is the bottleneck that goes from the street into the bullfighting arena, where the run ends. Avoid there too, as when the bulls come through there’s no space for them to navigate that space without putting some unlucky souls on the end of their horns.
  5. Worry about humans as much as bulls
    Humans are less physically threatening than bulls, obviously, but there are so many more humans than bulls in this event, and through a combination of fear, hangovers and perhaps genetics/upbringing they’re considerably stupider than the animals they think are after them. When you fall down and stumble in the bull run terrified tourists will trample you; attempting to stand up will result in a knee, or a foot, to the back of the head. Your fellow man will push you aside to save your skin and you’ll end up in the path of a bull because Jeff from Oklahoma thought that his shitty life was more valuable than yours.
  6. Don’t be a bull
    If you want to be sure of dying just be a bull. Not only are they the only participants of this event who are there against their will, they are also assured to die as a result of it. The bull fights, that come every afternoon after the bull runs, offer the bulls a 100% chance of passing away – even if they defeat the matador (who fights with a team of assassins on their side, aided by walls to hide behind and horses to sit upon), the bull will still be killed. The best way to avoid dying in Pamplona is to not be a bull, it’s as simple as that. 

Sure, it’s culture, but it’s a barbaric culture and probably past its used-by date. But don’t take our word for it, come and see for yourself – and then stay for San Fermin’s amazing street parties, and our Stoked in the Park festival.


The post How To Avoid Dying At The Running Of The Bulls appeared first on Stoke Travel.

Source: https://stoketravel.com/feed/

Festival Season Hierarchy Of Needs

Festival season is upon us! Well, as children of the world it was never down-off us, really. But with the advent of summer in the northern hemisphere it’s really here for reals, and we’re looking down the barrel of back-to-back, non-stop festivals full of music, merriment, new friends and even some weird shit.

We need to be careful, however, that our festival preparation matches our pre-festival excitement. Festivals inspire their own particular set of needs, and we need to make sure that we’re equipped to survive the manifold parties we’ve signed up for, whether financially through ticket purchases, verbally with friends or in blood. We need to enter festival season with the six Ps mantra on the forefront of our minds:

Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance

The thing with festival season is that each and every event will tax and challenge you in a unique manner. Some will fill your ears with too much bass, leaving you ringing for days; others will fill your legs with lactic acid and leave you in a state of constant burn. That said, there are some aspects of festival attending that are uniform across all events, and as such can be dealt with through some generic pre-planning (these details also match our basic human needs – how convenient!).


This is the easiest festival need to prepare for. Make sure your mouth and nostrils are working, as you’ll need to breath through the latter when faced with festival dance-floor dust storms, and the former when confronted with mysterious odours when jam-packed into the mosh pit.


Very important, and knowing this unscrupulous festival barons seek to profit from this very basic requirement of life. You won’t be allowed to take water in, so make sure you locate your nearest tap and frequent it whenever you feel cottonmouth coming on. Or, just go to Stoked In The Park, Pamplona, where you’re not only offered free drinking water, but unlimited beer and sangria also.


Many a festival monster will try and get through the day, the night, and maybe the day again without eating, but we know those monsters as absolute dummies! Eating food is such an integral part of the festival going experience, with all events worth attending featuring exotic food trucks alongside caravans selling greasy fairground favourites. Usually you’ll start your day with paella and Tibetan momos and finish up with a face full of greasy fries and cotton candy in your hair. 


While it’s unlikely that you’ll get your eight hours, for multiple-day festivals make sure you’re in bed and nodding off before the sun comes up each day, because that way even if you’re only getting 90-minute’s sleep before being woken by the sounds of your tent neighbours chugging beer bongs, you can still kid yourself into believing you’ve had a full night’s kip. Or, come to a Stoke Travel festival, like La Tomatina where you can choose to sleep in a hotel and catch all the 40 winks your heart desires.


Will it be hot? Yes. Will it be cold? Most likely. Will it rain? Will the wind howl? Snow? Drought? Tornados? We don’t know how they do it, but festival organisers always seem to out events in the most tempestuous environments possible. Expect mud flows and freezing rains and hot nights and freezing middays – and pack accordingly! But don’t pack too much, because you don’t want to carry all that stuff around. Forget sudoku, Rubik’s cubes and tetris, packing for a festival is the puzzle that will truly challenge you.


Have this organised before you arrive! Are you going to camp? Get a hotel room away from the festival? Or not sleep/try not to sleep and pass out in the middle of the crowd? Whatever it is, you better have your sleeping arrangements arranged, because this is something that can’t be organised on the day. Unless you’re attending Stoked in the Park, and all Stoke festivals, where all accommodations come included in your ticket and are pre-prepared for your arrival.


You’re on your own with this one, but if you take care of the other basic needs then this one might just fall into place.

Stoked In The Park is a music festival inside Pamplona’s famous San Fermin fiesta from July 7-9. This celebration of music and food will feature Australia’s Art Vs Science as the headliners, as well as riverside yoga, pool parties and local wine tasting.


The post Festival Season Hierarchy Of Needs appeared first on Stoke Travel.

Source: https://stoketravel.com/feed/