Aprende a hacer surfskate: Las cuatro maniobras básicas.

Te acabas de comprar un surfskate y quieres aprender a generar velocidad, hacer giros, cut backs y derrapes? Anteriormente os hemos enseñado como elegir una tabla de surfskate. Y en este artículo te vamos a explicar cómo realizar las primeras maniobras básicas para aprender a practicar el surfskate.

La mas importante de esas 4 maniobras básicas para empezar con el surfskate es sin duda el bombeo, ya que sin velocidad no se podrán generar ninguna de las siguientes maniobras. Luego os contaremos como  realizar un cut back y finalmente a hacer giros radicales o snaps y quemar el asfalto con un buen derrape.

1. Cómo bombear o generar velocidad con un surfskate:

El bombeo es el primer movimiento básico que debemos aprender para poder montar en un surfskate. La gran diferencia con el skate tradicional es que para generar velocidad no se hace dando la mítica patada en el suelo.

El bombeo va a comenzar una vez estamos montados y bien colocados como en una tabla de surf, y será empezando SIEMPRE de arriba a abajo, moviendo primeramente brazos y hombros seguidos de cadera, rodillas, pies y por ultimo la tabla.  Los hombros se utilizan desde arriba para generar inercia en el movimiento coordinando este movimiento en cadena hacia abajo hasta que la tabla comienza a moverse, y seguir siempre repitiéndolo de forma que el surfskate comience a moverse y generar velocidad.

Es importante realizar la flexión y seguida extensión en cada uno de los movimientos para bombear. De esta manera llegaremos con más fuerza e inercia para hacer coger velocidad al surfskate. Básicamente como cuando te montas en un columpio que encoges el cuerpo y lo estiras para que este se mueva cada vez más y más.


2. Cómo realizar un cut back con una tabla de surfskate: 

El cut back es una maniobra muy antigua y utilizada en el surfing que consiste en volver a la sección fuerte de la ola retrocediendo en la pared y volviendo de nuevo a encararla para seguir en la ola. Todo el mundo debe realizarla si quiere aprender a cantear bien en el surf ya que es una maniobra básica pero que requiere tiempo y una buena linea para conseguirla con estilo y eficacia.

Para realizar un cut back en surfskate vamos a realizar prácticamente la misma técnica que en el surf.

Empezamos bombeando el patin para generar velocidad y una vez llegados al punto donde vamos a realizarlo, comenzar con un bottom para marcar la vuelta hacia  el sentido contrario, la “espuma de la ola”. Y realizaremos ese giro prolongado hacia atrás marcando con la mirada el sitio donde ir, seguido de hombros y brazos, pecho y terminando con las rodillas y los pies presionando el canto y estirando el cuerpo.

Para una vez lo hayamos completado, volver sobre nuestros pasos y seguir bombeando en la pared de la ola o el suelo en nuestro caso.


3. Cómo realizar un giro o snap con un surfskate:

El snap consiste en realizar un giro de mayor o menor radicalidad en la cresta de la ola, o en nuestro caso ahora, en una rampa de skate o en plano directamente.

Un buen Snap lo podremos realizar una vez que llevemos suficiente velocidad gracias a haber hecho un buen bombeo. Se realiza encarando la rampa (pared de la ola) o si lo hacemos en llano,  flexionando antes de entrar e iniciando una importante y fuerte rotación de hombros seguido de cadera, rodilla y pies una vez llegamos al punto donde queremos realizarlo.

Una vez comenzamos con el giro presionando la tabla, y acompañando todo el peso con el giro. Para finalizar el giro y volver al postura inicial debemos llevar el cuerpo donde antes recuperando la estabilidad y el equilibrio.

 Siempre es muy importante llevar la mirada hacia donde queremos ir.

4. Cómo realizar un derrape 180º con un surfskate:

La última de las maniobras será la más radical de las cuatro, pero completamente a vuestro alcance una vez hayáis superado y controlado las 3 primeras. 

Esta maniobra es la única que tiene un mayor enfoque en surfskate y no tanto en el sufing, ya que no se puede derrapar de la manera que buscamos con una tabla de surf debido a las quillas.

Comenzaremos esta maniobra como todas las anteriores, bombeando lo suficiente hasta conseguir la velocidad que necesitamos, que en este caso será una velocidad superior que en las demás ocaciones. 

Una vez llevemos suficiente velocidad, vamos a llegar al punto elegido comprimidos y con un cambio de peso brusco del pie trasero al delantero. Comenzaremos a rotar todo el cuerpo 180º empezando como siempre desde la mirada, pasando por hombros, brazos, cadera, rodillas y pies dejando que el patin vaya derrapando con una terminación de 180º. Una vez terminamos el giro, volveremos a estabilizarnos encima del patin y seguir con el carving! Esta maniobra como todas, se puede practicar de igual forma en plano como en bowl o rampa. 

Hasta aquí nuestra mejor explicación de cómo comenzar a darle caña a tu surfskate con el bombeo inicial y las diferentes maniobras traspasadas desde la base del surfing al asfalto con el patin.

Cualquier maniobra que practiques con el surfskate es en suelo es perfectamente válida para traspasarlo a tu surfing para seguir aprendiendo y evolucionando. Y recuerda que la técnica es muy importante tanto dentro como fuera del agua para poder realizar y completar cualquier maniobra con éxito.

Y al igual que el surf, el surfskate también requiere de tiempo, dedicación, constancia y sobre todo caídas para conseguir controlarlas y disfrutarlas.

Así que agarra tu surfskate y a la calle a rippar!

Productos que te podrían interesar:

La entrada Aprende a hacer surfskate: Las cuatro maniobras básicas. se publicó primero en Blog Mundo-surf.com.

Source: Mundo-surf

Análisis trajes de neopreno 2021

Elegir bien tu traje de neopreno es fundamental para según donde te encuentras no pasar frio o calor e ir siempre lo más como posible al agua. En este articulo, os vamos a hacer un análisis lo más extenso posible sobre todos los trajes de neopreno para que los conozcas más en profundidad y te ayude a elegir tu próximo traje.Vamos a realizar el análisis separándolo por marca.

Neoprenos Rip Curl: 

La gama de neoprenos de Rip Curl es una de las más clásicas y vendidas en todo el mundo si no la que más. Están a la vanguardia en lo que a confección de neoprenos se refiere, tanto trajes como accesorios, Aquí te desglosamos su gama completa.

Neopreno Rip Curl Flash Bomb Heatseeeker:

El Flash-Bomb Heatseeker es la ultima innovacion de Rip Curl. Lleva un nuevo tejido revolucionario  en el pecho y la espalda, llamado Flex Energy, que genera calor con los movimientos de tu cuerpo. Si te mantienes en movimiento en el pico, te mantendrás siempre caliente.

El resto del traje lleva el tejido E5 Flash linning, el famoso «pelo» que tanto calor aporta, con la sensación de estar siempre seco. Todas las costuras vienen además selladas.

Este modelo es el gama tope de la linea Rip Curl, siendo muy popular para el surfista más exigente y friolero!


Neopreno Rip Curl Flash Bomb:

El Flash-Bomb Zip Free es el mejor traje de neopreno de Rip Curl, un traje de surf que asocia la mejor elasticidad junto con una protección térmica excepcional.

El tejido E6 Flash linning lleva el famoso «pelo» que tanto calor aporta, con la sensación de estar siempre seco. Esta situado en casi todo el traje, desde los pies hasta el pecho. 

Todas las costuras vienen además selladas. Teniendo además la etiqueta del traje con el secado más rápido.

Puede estar disponible sin cremallera, u otro modelo similar que le añade piel de foca en pecho y espalda para mayor protección de la temperatura externa y el aire.

Sin duda uno de los mejores trajes de surf del mercado.


Neopreno Rip Curl E-Bomb:

El neopreno Rip Curl E-Bomb es el traje mas elástico de menor peso de la gama Rip Curl, un traje de neopreno diseñado para el surf y fabricado con los mejores materiales para ofrecer una elasticidad optima. Añadiendo recientemente una innovación de fabricar el tren superior del cuerpo del traje de una sola pieza, lo que resta costuras y aumenta el confort y comodidad en la remada.

Lleva el 100% de neopreno E6, con parte de las costuras selladas por dentro. Un gran traje para los surfistas mas exigentes que buscan el neopreno de mayor rendimiento.


Neopreno Rip Curl Dawn Patrol:

El Rip Curl Dawn Patrol es un traje de neopreno que combina rendimiento y elasticidad a un precio muy competitivo. El mejor modelo de la marca en relación calidad / precio.

Es un traje de surf muy cómodo y elástico gracias al uso del neopreno E5 en todo el traje.

Lleva varios paneles en la espalda y en el pecho con el tejido de pelos de Rip Curl Flash Lining E5, que tanto calor aporta. Completamente sellado por dentro para mayor calidez.

Podemos encontrar este modelo con cremallera delantera y cremallera trasera, con una diferencia de precio de 10€.


Neopreno Rip Curl Dawn Patrol perf:

Este traje es muy similar al Dawn Patrol clásico con neopreno E5 para mejor elasticidad, con las costuras cosidas, pegadas y selladas en las partes más criticas y necesitadas del cuerpo. Con la diferencia que se elimina el tejido flash linning “pelito” de este modelo. Con cremallera delantera.

Sustituye al anterior modelo Aggrolite.

Neopreno Rip Curl Omega:

El neopreno Rip Curl Omega es un traje para los surfistas que buscan  un traje de calidad a un precio asequible. Con el Omega, te beneficias de toda la experiencia de Rip Curl en trajes de surf a un precio muy competitivo.

Las zonas mas solicitadas llevan el neopreno Freeflex, para conseguir una buena comodidad y elasticidad. Es el traje más económico de Rip Curl.


Neoprenos O’neill

Neopreno O’neill Mutant:

Si eres de los frioleros en el agua, este es tu traje de O’neill. Es un modelo ligero pero sobre todo super aislante del exterior, cálido y de secado rápido. Lleva dos cuellos distintos e intercambiables para poner o quitar la capucha integral. Tiene cremallera delantera y paneles de piel de foca en pecho y espalda para mayor aislamiento y un termosellado muy resistente por fuera.

Sin duda el más calentito de la marca O’neill.


Neopreno O’neill Psycho tech:

A diferencia del Psycho tech, este traje está muy enfocado como el anterior Mutant al invierno ya que es muy caliente, elástico y muy robusto gracias en parte al termosellado extra que lleva por fuera. Tiene la misma tecnología TechnoButter 3 que lleva el modelo Hyperfreak, por lo que también tiene una elasticidad considerable.

Los paneles de piel de foca en pecho y espalda le da robustez al traje y protección ante la temperatura externa y el viento.


Neopreno O’neill Psycho one:

El traje de neopreno Psycho One es el traje de surf que mejor combina elasticidad y calidez de la gama O´Neill, y uno de lo mas cómodo del mercado. Gracias al uso del neopreno Tecnobutter 3 en la totalidad del traje, te da la sensación de estar en pijama.

Es también un traje de surf super robusto y estanco con las costuras selladas por dentro y por fuera. Añadiendo la cremallera delantera lo hace uno de los Top del mercado.

Neopreno O’neill Hyperfreak:

El modelo Hyperfreak sea probablemente el traje más vendido de todos los neoprenos actualmente. Es un traje que combina una elasticidad extrema, con un peso muy bajo, ademas de estar completamente termosellado por dentro y de tener un precio muy competitivo para ser el traje que es.

Se puede encontrar en grosores normales 3/2, 4/3 y aparte la marca ha añadido unos modelos con 0.5mm extra para aportar el calor extra que la gente demandaba. Este modelo de 0.5mm extra es siempre con cremallera delantera, a diferencia del resto que son sin cremallera.

El único handicap que le vemos es que al ser tan elástico es cierto que le resta un poco de durabilidad, no llega a ser un traje tan robusto como otros más polivalentes.

Pero en definitiva un traje dentro del TOP 3.


Neopreno O’neill Hammer:

El O’neill Hammer solo está disponible en modelos 3/2 y trajes cortos. Cremallera delantera, buena comodidad y precio competitivo lo hacen un traje para tener en cuenta en primavera/ verano.

Además este traje evita las costuras en las zonas más criticas por lo que evita que se rompan y que incomoden al remar.


Neopreno O’neill Epic:

El traje de neopreno presenta una muy buena relación calidad/precio, con materiales y acabados de modelos de gama alta a un precio muy competitivo.

Es un traje muy cómodo gracias al uso del neopreno Ultraflex, y cálido gracias al uso del neopreno Fluidflex Firewall a nivel del pecho y de la espalda. Con cremallera delantera lo hace un traje competitivo en el mercado.

Neopreno O’neill Bahia:

Es un modelo exclusivamente para chicas, traje corto. Para verano. Muy económico y existe de diferentes diseños, ya sea corto completo o largo de manga y corto de pierna. Siempre con cremallera trasera para mayor facilidad al ponerlo.


Neoprenos Billabong

Neopreno Billabong Furnace Full:

Estamos hablando del traje más calentito de toda la marca, debido a que tiene el forro de pelo interno de grafeno distribuido por todo el cuerpo, de cuello a tobillos. Además de estar completamente termosellado por fuera del traje, lo que le dá una robustez extra.

Lleva incorporado la innovación de la marca que es el hilo de Grafeno el cual consiste en un hilo que pesan 50% menos que el normal de siempre, absorbe menos agua y sumado a esto proporciona más calor, ademas de tener un secado extremadamente rápido.

Lleva como traje de gama alta la cremallera delante para mayor comodidad y estanqueidad.


Neopreno Billabong Furnace Comp:

Este modelo se convierte en el traje más caliente y elástico en conjunto de la marca. Lleva el pelito de grafeno hablado en el anterior traje desde del pecho hasta la la rodilla, por delante y por detras.

Sellado por dentro y por fuera para que no entre ni una micra de agua y estar siempre como en la ducha de casa.

Pensado para la competición en aguas frías, un traje con muy poco peso pero muy elástico y caliente.


Neopreno Billabong Revolution Pro:

El Revolution Pro con la tela Airlite es el traje más elástico de la gama Billabong. Pensado para el surfista más exigente que quiere algo muy muy muy elástico como el de los 4 fantásticos.

Está compuesto de 80% neopreno y 20% Nailon, lo que le da una elasticidad increíble pero restando calidez. Aún así sigue siendo un 4/3 sellado por dentro por completo.

Neopreno Billabong Revolution:

Os diríamos que el Revolutión es el mejor modelo en relación calidad/ precio dentro de los trajes de calidad en cuanto a elasticidad, calidez y sellados.

Este modelo retoma el hilo de grafeno y el pelito interno, ademas de estar completamente sellado por dentro, por lo que lo hace un traje muy calentito, a la par de una elasticidad excelente viendo su precio.

Tiene sistema de cremallera en el pecho.

Neopreno Billabong Absolute:

En este caso, decir que por su precio y características hacen que sea el traje más vendido de la marca. Un precio muy competitivo en el mercado. También lleva el hilo de de grafeno y pelito desde pecho hasta rodilla, aparte de estar sellado en las zonas más críticas del traje. Puedes encontrarlo con cremallera en el pecho y algo más económico con cremallera en la espalda.


Neopreno Billabong Intruder:

El neopreno Billabong intruder es un traje de surf económico pero que se beneficia del saber hacer de Billabong en trajes de surf. Es sorprendentemente cómodo por un traje de este precio, porque han puesto un neopreno muy elástico en los puntos claves, es decir debajo de los brazos y a nivel de los hombros.

Es un traje de neopreno con un precio increíble en relación a su construcción, con costuras pegadas y cocidas. Es muy fácil de poner, gracias a su cremallera trasera YKK.


Neoprenos Xcel

Neopreno Xcel Comp X:

El traje de surf XCEL Comp X lleva el tejido TDC Termo Dry Celliant que reflecta la calor del cuerpo de una manera increible. Es un traje de neopreno diseñado para conseguir la máxima proteccion termica.

Su diseño te deja la máxima libertad de movimiento siendo una combinación del más caliente y elástico de la marca, primando un poco más en la elasticidad.

Neopreno Xcel Infiniti LTD:

El traje de neopreno XCEL Infiniti LTD lleva el nuevo tejido Radiant Rebound, que reflecta y distribuye el calor que genera tu cuerpo. Es adema de secado rápido, y en la casi totalidad del traje. Termosellado por completo con el pelito desde el pecho hasta los tobillos.

Es un traje de neopreno de gama alta para los surferos que buscan un traje cómodo y caliente para surfear todo el año.

Junto con el modelo Comp X son la combinación más caliente y elástica de la marca Xcel, pero en este caso es más caliente que el anterior.


Neopreno Xcel Phoenix:

El traje de neopreno Xcel Phoenix 4/3 mm es la ultima incorporación a la gama Xcel, que proporciona una comodidad superior debido al neopreno súper elástico de alta calidad que se usa en el traje con un peso muy bajo.

Es un traje completamente sellado por dentro y con cremallera delantera.

Este traje esta diseñado para los surfistas que buscan la maxima comodidad y elasticida sin sacrificar las propiedades termicas. El Phoenix le ofrece lo último en tecnología de trajes de neopreno a un precio bastante competitivo en cuanto a traje de alta calidad.


Neopreno Xcel Comp:

El traje de surf Xcel Comp es un traje de neopreno diseñado para conseguir la máxima flexibilidad a un precio más economico.

Su diseño te deja la máxima libertad de movimiento. Es además un traje muy ligero, y se seca rápidamente gracias al uso de un neopreno Quickdry, a nivel del pecho y de la espalda.

Sellado y reforzado en las zonas más conflictivas del traje.

Neopreno Xcel Axis OS: 

El nuevo traje de neopreno XCEL Axis OS 4/3mm es un traje de neopreno robusto, caliente y cómodo a un precio muy competitivo, nuestro traje más vendido el invierno pasado.

Con el traje de surf XCEL Axis te beneficias de toda la experiencia de Xcel, con un neopreno 100% UltraStretch, cremallera trasera, sellado a nivel del pecho y la entrepierna, y neopreno de secado rápido en el pecho y la espalda..


Neoprenos Quiksilver

Neopreno Quiksilver Highline lite:

 El traje quiksilver Highline LITE 4/3mm CZ es super calentito y ligero gracias al neopreno F’n LITE fabricado con piedra caliza llena de celdillas de aire. El interior de polar térmico WarmFlight® en el cuerpo, las piernas y los brazos, mantiene el calor corporal tanto dentro como fuera del agua.

Un traje comodo y duradero para el que busca la calidad con cremallera delantera.


Neopreno Quiksilver Syncro plus: 

El traje quiksilver Syncro Plus es ligero y flexible gracias al neopreno 100% StretchFlight x2 fabricado con derivados de caliza. 

Es tambien super calentito gracias al Thermal Smoothie en los paneles del pecho y de la espalda, que  retienen el calor y bloquean el viento.

El tejido interior térmico WarmFlight x1 Far-Infrared en los paneles del pecho y la espalda transforma el calor corporal en energía infrarroja para generar y mantener el calor.

Las costuras están selladas con Liquid Flex Seal (LFS) para mayor confort y hermetismo. Las Costuras GBS (encolado y con puntadas invisibles) garantizan una máxima flexibilidad con una mínima entrada de agua.

Las rodilleras Ecto-Flex son duraderas, ligeras y flexibles, para protegerte a ti y a tu tabla.

Neopreno Quiksilver Syncro Series:

El neopreno de Quiksilver Syncro Series esta fabricado con un neopreno FN Lite para proporcionar un calor ligero, tiene un forro térmico en la parte de la espalda, costuras invisibles y pegadas (GBS) que reducen la entrada de agua para mantener el calor corporal.

Este traje tiene la cremallera en el pecho y rodilleras Ecto-flex para una máxima protección para ti y para tu tabla. Podemos encontrar este mismo modelo tanto en cremallera delantera como cremallera trasera.

Neopreno Quiksilver Prologue:

El Quiksilver Prologue 4/3mm es un neopreno duradero, con costuras invisibles y pegadas (GBS) que permiten mantener el calor.

Lleva un sistema de cremallera trasera y cierre de cuello ajustable. Tiene rodilleras Ecto-Flex para un máxima protección para ti y para tu tabla.

Neoprenos vissla

Neopreno Vissla North Seas:

North Seas es una serie técnica de trajes de neopreno diseñados y fabricados para los climas de surf más fríos y es la opción más cálida para los dias más frios.  

Si bien utiliza los mismos materiales premium y ecológicos que el traje de neopreno High Seas, el traje de neopreno North Seas está hecho con características adicionales que brindan un nivel completamente nuevo de calidez y durabilidad.

A diferencia del High Seas este traje lleva el sellado con neopreno liquido por fuera del traje. Lo que le da cierta robustez.

Neopreno Vissla High Seas:

El Vissla High Seas combina una elasticidad increíble con una calidez suprema gracias al forro de pelito interno, aparte de ser de secado rápido.

El neopreno japonés a base de piedra caliza más ligero, cálido y elástico disponible; significativamente menos peso, mayor flexibilidad y comodidad excelente.

Modelo disponible con cremallera en el pecho y sin cremallera. Las líneas del cuerpo diseñadas anatómicamente con costuras mínimas permiten un rendimiento y una calidez sin restricciones.

Neopreno completamente sellado por dentro para evitar al máximo la entrada del agua y su durabilidad.

Un traje que cada vez se ve más entre la comunidad surfista y que han llegado pegando fuerte para quedarse.

Neopreno Vissla Seven Seas:

Estamos hablando del modelo más elástico de la marca. Para aquellos que priman por encima de todo la flexibilidad y comodidad en un traje de neopreno.

Con menos cinta interior, obtiene más estiramiento. El neopreno 100% súper elástico a base de piedra caliza japonesa es más ligero, más cálido, más suave, más elástico, más fácil de poner y quitar y permite una mayor libertad de movimiento. El forro térmico aísla el calor y se seca rápidamente. 

Tiene ademas un precio muy competitivo en el mercado viendo sus características.

Neoprenos Gyroll

Neopreno Gyroll Shield:

Diseñados y creados por el mítico bodyboarder Mike Stewart, un neopreno enfocado sobre todo a bodyboarders, ya que entre otras cosas, traen un refuerzo y antideslizante extra en la zona del codo para un mejor agarre al surfear. 

El traje de neopreno Gyroll Shield es el aislante supremo del frío, con una capa térmica adicional que cubre todo el cuerpo y genera la máxima retención de calor. Los materiales súper flexibles y el cierre sin cremallera permiten el movimiento más libre con el traje más abrigado. Añadiendo el famoso “pelito” desde hombros a rodillas incluyendo los brazos. Con un termosellado por fuera para una mayor robustez.

Neopreno Gyroll Primus: 

El traje de neopreno Gyroll Primus ha sido diseñado como un traje ligero de alto rendimiento con la máxima flexibilidad para la libertad de movimientos. Los materiales súper elásticos y la entrada sin cremallera crean una comodidad ajustada y un traje con menor peso que el anterior debido a la eliminación del pelito.

Con células de agarre para el antebrazo sobre el bodyboard y la unión entre costuras siempre reforzados.

Neoprenos Roxy

Neopreno Roxy performance:

Comenzamos con la marca exclusiva para chicas con el modelo más calentito de Roxy. Fabricado con neopreno de piedra caliza lleno de celdillas de aire para proporcionar mayor calor. Piel de foca en pecho y espalda para una buena protección del aire y temperatura externa.

Las costuras con triple cosido reducen la entrada de agua, y un sellado interior para mayor calidez.

Cremallera en el pecho para mejor libertad.

Neopreno Roxy Pop surf:

El neopreno Roxy Pop Surf es un traje de surf ultra-ligero y  que prima antes la elasticidad, con cremallera en el pecho. Combina paneles con estampado pop con la innovación de Roxy: el neopreno de caliza StretchFlight x3 y tejido interior térmico WarmFlight.

Neopreno Roxy Syncro Plus: 

El neopreno de Roxy Syncro Plus  esta fabricado con un neopreno FN Lite para proporcionar un calor ligero, tiene un forro térmico en la parte de la espalda y el pecho , costuras invisibles y pegadas (GBS) que reducen la entrada de agua para mantener el calor corporal.

Este traje tiene la cremallera en el pecho y rodilleras Ecto-flex para un máxima protección para ti y para tu tabla. Las costuras están selladas internamente en las zonas más criticas del traje.

Neopreno Roxy Syncro Series:

El neopreno de Roxy Syncro Series esta fabricado con un neopreno FN Lite para proporcionar un calor ligero, tiene un forro termico en la parte de la espalda, costuras invisibles y pegadas (GBS) que reducen la entrada de agua para mantener el calor corporal.

Este traje tiene la cremallera en el pecho y rodilleras Ecto-flex para un maxima proteccion para ti y para tu tabla.

Podemos encontrar este modelo tanto en cremallera en el pecho como en la espalda.

Neopreno Roxy Prologue:

El modelo más economico y duradero de Roxy. Con costuras invisibles y pegadas que permiten mantener el calor.

Lleva un sistema de cremallera trasera y cierre de cuello ajustable. Tiene rodilleras Ecto-Flex para un maxima proteccion para ti y para tu tabla.

Sellado internamente en las zonas criticas del cuerpo y cremallera trasera.


Aquí tenéis toda la información necesaria para decidir correctamente tu neopreno, e iremos actualizando cada año con las innovaciones y cambios de cada marca. También puedes escribirnos y te resolveremos tus dudas!

Un saludo y buenas olas!

Productos que te podrían interesar:


La entrada Análisis trajes de neopreno 2021 se publicó primero en Blog Mundo-surf.com.

Source: Mundo-surf

RAZBIJANJE: Šef Oktoberfesta kaže da je događaj 2021. ON ON!

Ove godine se događa Oktoberfest! A mi vam nudimo putovanje u pola cijene! Dovoljno je rezervirati “Ultimate Oktoberfest Adventure” i upotrijebiti promotivni kôd STOKETOBERFEST2021 na zadnjem koraku rezervacije da biste postigli dogovor.

A sada možete rezervirati svoje mjesto s bezrizičnim pologom od 1 € *, bez plaćanja, dok ne budete sigurni da ćete moći putovati. Kliknite ovdje da biste je provjerili ili pročitajte kako biste saznali više.

U vijestima koje će usrećiti ljubitelje piva, u ekskluzivnom intervjuu za minhensku radio postaju, 95.5 Charivari, šef Oktoberfesta Clemens Baumgärtner izjavio je da “pretpostavljamo da će ove godine biti Oktoberfest.”

Priznajući da pripreme za Oktoberfest traju mnogo mjeseci, i izražavajući vjeru u cjepiva, mogućnosti liječenja, opadajući broj slučajeva u Münchenu i mogućnosti brzog testiranja, Baumgärtner je toliko uvjeren da će Oktoberfest 2021 ići dalje da je dobro prihvatio početak godišnjeg javni natječaj za plakate i aktivnosti na pripremi za izgradnju objekata na sajmištu događaja trenutno su u tijeku.

Intervju je ovdje, ali na njemačkom je jeziku.

Baumgärtner također kaže da je protiv bilo kakve ideje o “svjetlu Oktoberfesta”, već se odlučuje za mjere koje će spriječiti potencijalno zaražene ljude da prisustvuju, poput putovnice cjepiva, potrebnog dokaza negativnog testa ili dokaza antitijela na vratima događaja. .

Dodao je da će konačna odluka biti donesena početkom lipnja, ali i dalje je uvjeren da će događaj biti velik, pun piva i bučan kao i uvijek.

Stoke Travel, najveći domaćin zabava za Oktoberfest u Münchenu – svake godine prikazuje oko 8000 ljudi svake godine najbolje vrijeme svog života – uvijek je vjerovao u sposobnost Oktoberfesta i minhenskih vlasti da prirede događaj, zajedno s dogovorenim njemačkim , Europski i globalni napori da se najgore od ove pandemije stavi iza nas kao i uvijek.

Već smo dobili veći odgovor nego što je uobičajeno na naš događaj iz 2021. godine, nakon što su mnogi ljubitelji piva ostali razočarani otkazivanjem ne samo Oktoberfesta 2020, već i festivalskog putovanja 2020. općenito. Puno je putnika diljem Europe i svijeta koji su propustili godinu dana zabave i upoznavanja novih ljudi i koji traže bilo koji način da proslave kraj najgore pandemije.

Oktoberfest, sa svojim slasnim bavarskim pivom, plesom za stolom i međunarodnom gomilom ljudi iz zabave, savršena je prilika da se svijet ponovno zabavi. Sigurni smo da će se događaj 2021. rasprodati i preporučujemo da svi zainteresirani rezerviraju svoja mjesta sada uz depozit od 1 € *.

Stoke nudi samostalno kampiranje i kampiranje s dva brijača, teepee za do osam osoba i mogućnosti glampinga, sve s madracima i posteljinom. Svi naši paketi uključuju kuhanu marendu bez dna svakodnevno – s mimozama – kao i naš zloglasni karneval u kampu Stoketoberfest s međunarodnim bendovima, DJ-ima, izvođačima i suputnicima iz cijelog svijeta, kao i potpuno otvoreni i neograničeni pivo i sangria bar za dodatnih 10 € dnevno.

Ovo je vrsta dobre vijesti koju trebamo provesti kroz sljedećih nekoliko tjedana 2021. godine, dok ne počnemo vidjeti poboljšanje situacije s COVID-om, ali uvjereni smo da će se, kako se proljeće nastavlja zahuktavati, a cijepljenja izvoditi Europea, moći ćemo s pouzdanjem planirati putovanja za kasnije proljeće, ljeto i posebno OKTOBERFEST 2021!

* Ne možemo i nećemo vam naplatiti više od 1 €. Kada postane jasno da ćete moći putovati, tražit ćemo od vas redoviti polog, a ako se vaši planovi putovanja promijene zbog COVID-a, dobit ćete puni popust ili 120% kredita.

Želite znati više?

Za sve što trebate znati o Oktoberfestu i Stoketoberfestu, krenite ovdje.

Web stranica je na engleskom (i francuskom, španjolskom, nizozemskom i talijanskom), ali na događaju ćemo imati osoblje koje govori bugarski.

Are you ready for this?

Rezervirajte svoje mjesto na jednom od naših all-inclusive smještaja ili autobusnih i smještajnih paketa u nastavku. Obratite nam se za bilo kakva pitanja, povratne cijene autobusa ili ako vam je potrebna pomoć u stvaranju vašeg savršenog itinerara Oktoberfesta s smještajem.

16 September – 4 OctoberUltimate Oktoberfest AdventureStay for 4+ nights & SAVE OVER €70! + Free Munich Bike Tour, Bottomless Brunch

260/ Per Person Per Package

Flexible terms, group payments


16 September – 4 OctoberUltimate Oktoberfest AdventureStay for 4+ nights & SAVE OVER €70! + Free Munich Bike Tour, Bottomless Brunch


  • 4+ nights camping accommodation in twin or triple shared tents all set up for you with self-inflating mattress and sleeping bag
  • 10% off Stoke merch at the Swag tent 
  • Bottomless brunch every morning available from 8-11am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee, and with this one we’ll even throw in lunch everyday!
  • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
  • Oktoberfest free entry
  • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
  • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring internaional DJs, bands, performers, and magicians
  • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, speakeasy, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
  • Powder room for the ladies to make getting ready at the campsite easy
  • 24hr security on site
  • 24hr check-in
  • Ear plugs at your disposal
  • Unlimited drink upgrade – Beer, Sangria, Soft drink, tea and coffee flowing from 8:00 – 23:00, ONLY 10€ per night


  • Unlimited booze – Open bar of beer, sangria, wine, soft drink, tea and coffee €10 a day
  • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €20/night
  • Glamping – If you’re a sucker for the finer things in life, you might wanna consider upgrading to glamping. You’ll be hanging out in a tent you can stand up in, sleeping in a bed and keeping toasty warm. You can thank us later… €150 per person per night (solo, twin, triple and quad available)
  • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
  • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
  • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €560 per night
  • Oktoberfest 7s tickets  – Rugby 7’s is one of two rugby variants played all over the world. It’s named after the number of players, 7 per team, and is a damn good time to watch. If you wanna experience some live sports with a crazy atmosphere in between beer hall sessions, then get on board – €29, available September 21 & 22
  • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 
16 September – 4 OctoberOktoberfest WeekenderAny three nights at Stoketoberfest

195/ Per Person Per Package

Flexible terms, group payments


16 September – 4 OctoberOktoberfest WeekenderAny three nights at Stoketoberfest


  • 3 nights camping accommodation in twin or triple shared tents all set up for you with self-inflating mattress and sleeping bag
  • Bottomless brunch every morning available from 8-11am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee, and with this one we’ll even throw in lunch everyday!
  • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
  • Oktoberfest free entry
  • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
  • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring internaional DJs, bands, performers, and magicians
  • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, speakeasy, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
  • Powder room for the ladies to make getting ready at the campsite easy
  • 24hr security on site
  • 24hr check-in
  • Ear plugs at your disposal
  • Unlimited drink upgrade – Beer, Sangria, Soft drink, tea and coffee flowing from 8:00 – 23:00, ONLY 10€ per night


  • Unlimited booze – Open bar of beer, sangria, wine, soft drink, tea and coffee €10 a day
  • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €20/night
  • Glamping – If you’re a sucker for the finer things in life, you might wanna consider upgrading to glamping. You’ll be hanging out in a tent you can stand up in, sleeping in a bed and keeping toasty warm. You can thank us later… €150 per person per night (solo, twin, triple and quad available)
  • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
  • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
  • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €560 per night
  • Oktoberfest 7s tickets  – Rugby 7’s is one of two rugby variants played all over the world. It’s named after the number of players, 7 per team, and is a damn good time to watch. If you wanna experience some live sports with a crazy atmosphere in between beer hall sessions, then get on board – €29, available September 21 & 22
  • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 
16 September – 4 OctoberMeet us at OktoberfestMEET US AT OUR LEGENDARY CAMPSITE

65/ Per Person Per Night

2 night min, flexible terms, group payments

Meet Us There

16 September – 4 OctoberMeet us at OktoberfestMEET US AT OUR LEGENDARY CAMPSITE


  • Twin or triple shared tents all set up for you with self-inflating mattress and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, and group teepees available)
  • Bottomless brunch every morning available from 8-11am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
  • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
  • Oktoberfest free entry
  • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
  • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring internaional DJs, bands, performers, and magicians
  • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, speakeasy, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
  • Powder room for the ladies to make getting ready at the campsite easy
  • 24hr security on site
  • 24hr check-in
  • Ear plugs at your disposal


  • Unlimited booze – Open bar of beer, sangria, wine, soft drink, tea and coffee €10 a day
  • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €20/night
  • Glamping – If you’re a sucker for the finer things in life, you might wanna consider upgrading to glamping. You’ll be hanging out in a tent you can stand up in, sleeping in a bed and keeping toasty warm. You can thank us later… €150 per person per night (solo, twin, triple and quad available)
  • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
  • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
  • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €560 per night
  • Oktoberfest 7s tickets  – Rugby 7’s is one of two rugby variants played all over the world. It’s named after the number of players, 7 per team, and is a damn good time to watch. If you wanna experience some live sports with a crazy atmosphere in between beer hall sessions, then get on board – €29, available September 21 & 22
  • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
  • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 
16 September – 4 OctoberBYO (Bring Your Own) Van PackageMEET US THERE AND SLEEP IN YOUR VAN

75/ Per Person Per Night

2 night min, flexible terms, group payments


16 September – 4 OctoberBYO (Bring Your Own) Van PackageMEET US THERE AND SLEEP IN YOUR VAN


  • Space for your van (non-powered)
  • Bottomless brunch every morning available from 8-11am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
  • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
  • Oktoberfest free entry
  • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
  • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring internaional DJs, bands, performers, and magicians
  • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, speakeasy, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
  • Powder room for the ladies to make getting ready at the campsite easy
  • 24hr security on site
  • 24hr check-in
  • Ear plugs at your disposal


  • Unlimited booze – Open bar of beer, sangria, wine, soft drink, tea and coffee €10 a day
  • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
  • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
  • Oktoberfest 7s tickets  – Rugby 7’s is one of two rugby variants played all over the world. It’s named after the number of players, 7 per team, and is a damn good time to watch. If you wanna experience some live sports with a crazy atmosphere in between beer hall sessions, then get on board – €29, available September 21 & 22
  • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
  • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 
16 – 20 September | 23 – 27 September | 30 September – 4 OctoberBarcelona To MunichRide with us from Barcelona to Oktoberfest!

360/ Per Person

Flexible terms, group payments

Ride With Us

16 – 20 September | 23 – 27 September | 30 September – 4 OctoberBarcelona To MunichRide with us from Barcelona to Oktoberfest!


  • Twin or triple shared tents all set up for you with self-inflating mattress and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, and group teepees available)
  • Return (overnight) transport from Barcelona to the campsite – The bus is a super comfy lie-flat sleeper bus. If you think the long journey is daunting, fear not! When you get on the bus, you’ll be able to lie your seat flat, make yourself a bed and get ready for the sleepover. With any luck, you sleep right through and wake up in Munich!
  • Bottomless brunch every morning available from 8-11am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
  • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
  • Oktoberfest free entry
  • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
  • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring internaional DJs, bands, performers, and magicians
  • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, speakeasy, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
  • Powder room for the ladies to make getting ready at the campsite easy
  • 24hr security on site
  • 24hr check-in
  • Ear plugs at your disposal


  • Unlimited booze – Open bar of beer, sangria, wine, soft drink, tea and coffee €10 a day
  • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €20/night
  • Glamping – If you’re a sucker for the finer things in life, you might wanna consider upgrading to glamping. You’ll be hanging out in a tent you can stand up in, sleeping in a bed and keeping toasty warm. You can thank us later… €150 per person per night (solo, twin, triple and quad available)
  • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
  • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
  • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €560 per night
  • Oktoberfest 7s tickets  – Rugby 7’s is one of two rugby variants played all over the world. It’s named after the number of players, 7 per team, and is a damn good time to watch. If you wanna experience some live sports with a crazy atmosphere in between beer hall sessions, then get on board – €29, available September 21 & 22
  • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
  • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 
16 – 20 September | 23 – 27 September | 30 September – 4 OctoberAmsterdam To MunichRide with us from Amsterdam to Oktoberfest!

255/ Per Person

Flexible terms, group payments

Ride With Us

16 – 20 September | 23 – 27 September | 30 September – 4 OctoberAmsterdam To MunichRide with us from Amsterdam to Oktoberfest!


  • Twin or triple shared tents all set up for you with self-inflating mattress and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, and group teepees available)
  • Return (overnight) transport from Amsterdam to the campsite
  • Bottomless brunch every morning available from 8-11am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
  • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
  • Oktoberfest free entry
  • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
  • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring internaional DJs, bands, performers, and magicians
  • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, speakeasy, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
  • Powder room for the ladies to make getting ready at the campsite easy
  • 24hr security on site
  • 24hr check-in
  • Ear plugs at your disposal


  • Unlimited booze – Open bar of beer, sangria, wine, soft drink, tea and coffee €10 a day
  • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €20/night
  • Glamping – If you’re a sucker for the finer things in life, you might wanna consider upgrading to glamping. You’ll be hanging out in a tent you can stand up in, sleeping in a bed and keeping toasty warm. You can thank us later… €150 per person per night (solo, twin, triple and quad available)
  • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
  • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
  • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €560 per night
  • Oktoberfest 7s tickets  – Rugby 7’s is one of two rugby variants played all over the world. It’s named after the number of players, 7 per team, and is a damn good time to watch. If you wanna experience some live sports with a crazy atmosphere in between beer hall sessions, then get on board – €29, available September 21 & 22
  • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
  • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 
16 – 20 September | 23 – 27 September | 30 September – 4 OctoberAntwerp To MunichRide with us from Antwerp to Oktoberfest!

205/ Per Person

Flexible terms, group payments

Ride With Us

16 – 20 September | 23 – 27 September | 30 September – 4 OctoberAntwerp To MunichRide with us from Antwerp to Oktoberfest!


  • Twin or triple shared tents all set up for you with self-inflating mattress and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, and group teepees available)
  • Return (overnight) transport from Antwerp to the campsite
  • Bottomless brunch every morning available from 8-11am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
  • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
  • Oktoberfest free entry
  • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
  • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring internaional DJs, bands, performers, and magicians
  • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, speakeasy, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
  • Powder room for the ladies to make getting ready at the campsite easy
  • 24hr security on site
  • 24hr check-in
  • Ear plugs at your disposal


  • Unlimited booze – Open bar of beer, sangria, wine, soft drink, tea and coffee €10 a day
  • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €20/night
  • Glamping – If you’re a sucker for the finer things in life, you might wanna consider upgrading to glamping. You’ll be hanging out in a tent you can stand up in, sleeping in a bed and keeping toasty warm. You can thank us later… €150 per person per night (solo, twin, triple and quad available)
  • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
  • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
  • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €560 per night
  • Oktoberfest 7s tickets  – Rugby 7’s is one of two rugby variants played all over the world. It’s named after the number of players, 7 per team, and is a damn good time to watch. If you wanna experience some live sports with a crazy atmosphere in between beer hall sessions, then get on board – €29, available September 21 & 22
  • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
  • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 
16 – 20 September | 23 – 27 September | 30 September – 4 OctoberBrussels To MunichRide with us from Brussels to Oktoberfest!

205/ Per Person

Flexible terms, group payments

Ride With Us

16 – 20 September | 23 – 27 September | 30 September – 4 OctoberBrussels To MunichRide with us from Brussels to Oktoberfest!


  • Twin or triple shared tents all set up for you with self-inflating mattress and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, and group teepees available)
  • Return (overnight) transport from Brussels to the campsite
  • Bottomless brunch every morning available from 8-11am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
  • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
  • Oktoberfest free entry
  • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
  • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring internaional DJs, bands, performers, and magicians
  • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, speakeasy, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
  • Powder room for the ladies to make getting ready at the campsite easy
  • 24hr security on site
  • 24hr check-in
  • Ear plugs at your disposal


  • Unlimited booze – Open bar of beer, sangria, wine, soft drink, tea and coffee €10 a day
  • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €20/night
  • Glamping – If you’re a sucker for the finer things in life, you might wanna consider upgrading to glamping. You’ll be hanging out in a tent you can stand up in, sleeping in a bed and keeping toasty warm. You can thank us later… €150 per person per night (solo, twin, triple and quad available)
  • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
  • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
  • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €560 per night
  • Oktoberfest 7s tickets  – Rugby 7’s is one of two rugby variants played all over the world. It’s named after the number of players, 7 per team, and is a damn good time to watch. If you wanna experience some live sports with a crazy atmosphere in between beer hall sessions, then get on board – €29, available September 21 & 22
  • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
  • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 
16 – 20 September | 23 – 27 September | 30 September – 4 OctoberLondon To MunichRide with us from London to Oktoberfest!

£380/ Per Person

Flexible terms, group payments

Ride With Us

16 – 20 September | 23 – 27 September | 30 September – 4 OctoberLondon To MunichRide with us from London to Oktoberfest!


  • Twin or triple shared tents all set up for you with self-inflating mattress and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, and group teepees available)
  • Return (overnight) transport from London to the campsite
  • Bottomless brunch every morning available from 8-11am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
  • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
  • Oktoberfest free entry
  • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
  • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring internaional DJs, bands, performers, and magicians
  • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, speakeasy, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
  • Powder room for the ladies to make getting ready at the campsite easy
  • 24hr security on site
  • 24hr check-in
  • Ear plugs at your disposal


  • Unlimited booze – Open bar of beer, sangria, wine, soft drink, tea and coffee €10 a day
  • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €20/night
  • Glamping – If you’re a sucker for the finer things in life, you might wanna consider upgrading to glamping. You’ll be hanging out in a tent you can stand up in, sleeping in a bed and keeping toasty warm. You can thank us later… €150 per person per night (solo, twin, triple and quad available)
  • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
  • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
  • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €560 per night
  • Oktoberfest 7s tickets  – Rugby 7’s is one of two rugby variants played all over the world. It’s named after the number of players, 7 per team, and is a damn good time to watch. If you wanna experience some live sports with a crazy atmosphere in between beer hall sessions, then get on board – €29, available September 21 & 22
  • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
  • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 
18 – 20 September | 25 – 27 September | 2 – 4 OctoberPrague To MunichRide With Us from Prague to Oktoberfest!

220/ Per Person

Flexible terms, group payments

Ride With Us

18 – 20 September | 25 – 27 September | 2 – 4 OctoberPrague To MunichRide With Us from Prague to Oktoberfest!


  • Twin or triple shared tents all set up for you with self-inflating mattress and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, and group teepees available)
  • Return (day trip) transport from Prague to the campsite
  • Bottomless brunch every morning available from 8-11am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
  • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
  • Oktoberfest free entry
  • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
  • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring internaional DJs, bands, performers, and magicians
  • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, speakeasy, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
  • Powder room for the ladies to make getting ready at the campsite easy
  • 24hr security on site
  • 24hr check-in
  • Ear plugs at your disposal


  • Unlimited booze – Open bar of beer, sangria, wine, soft drink, tea and coffee €10 a day
  • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €20/night
  • Glamping – If you’re a sucker for the finer things in life, you might wanna consider upgrading to glamping. You’ll be hanging out in a tent you can stand up in, sleeping in a bed and keeping toasty warm. You can thank us later… €150 per person per night (solo, twin, triple and quad available)
  • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
  • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
  • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €560 per night
  • Oktoberfest 7s tickets  – Rugby 7’s is one of two rugby variants played all over the world. It’s named after the number of players, 7 per team, and is a damn good time to watch. If you wanna experience some live sports with a crazy atmosphere in between beer hall sessions, then get on board – €29, available September 21 & 22
  • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
  • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 
16 – 20 September | 23 – 27 September | 30 September – 4 OctoberItaly to MunichRide With Us from Italy to Oktoberfest!

220/ Per Person

Flexible terms, group payments

Ride With Us

16 – 20 September | 23 – 27 September | 30 September – 4 OctoberItaly to MunichRide With Us from Italy to Oktoberfest!


  • Twin or triple shared tents all set up for you with self-inflating mattress and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, and group teepees available)
  • Return (overnight) transport from Turin/Milan to the campsite
  • Bottomless brunch every morning available from 8-11am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
  • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
  • Oktoberfest free entry
  • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
  • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring internaional DJs, bands, performers, and magicians
  • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, speakeasy, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
  • Powder room for the ladies to make getting ready at the campsite easy
  • 24hr security on site
  • 24hr check-in
  • Ear plugs at your disposal


  • Unlimited booze – Open bar of beer, sangria, wine, soft drink, tea and coffee €10 a day
  • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €20/night
  • Glamping – If you’re a sucker for the finer things in life, you might wanna consider upgrading to glamping. You’ll be hanging out in a tent you can stand up in, sleeping in a bed and keeping toasty warm. You can thank us later… €150 per person per night (solo, twin, triple and quad available)
  • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
  • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
  • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €560 per night
  • Oktoberfest 7s tickets  – Rugby 7’s is one of two rugby variants played all over the world. It’s named after the number of players, 7 per team, and is a damn good time to watch. If you wanna experience some live sports with a crazy atmosphere in between beer hall sessions, then get on board – €29, available September 21 & 22
  • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
  • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 
18 – 20 September | 25 – 27 September | 2 – 4 OctoberBERLIN TO MUNICHRide with us from Berlin to Munich!

220Flexible terms, group payments

/ per person

Ride With Us

18 – 20 September | 25 – 27 September | 2 – 4 OctoberBERLIN TO MUNICHRide with us from Berlin to Munich!


  • Twin or triple shared tents all set up for you with self-inflating mattress and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, and group teepees available)
  • Return transport from Berlin to the campsite
  • Bottomless brunch every morning available from 8-11am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
  • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
  • Oktoberfest free entry
  • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
  • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring internaional DJs, bands, performers, and magicians
  • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, speakeasy, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
  • Powder room for the ladies to make getting ready at the campsite easy
  • 24hr security on site
  • 24hr check-in
  • Ear plugs at your disposal


  • Unlimited booze – Open bar of beer, sangria, wine, soft drink, tea and coffee €10 a day
  • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €20/night
  • Glamping – If you’re a sucker for the finer things in life, you might wanna consider upgrading to glamping. You’ll be hanging out in a tent you can stand up in, sleeping in a bed and keeping toasty warm. You can thank us later… €150 per person per night (solo, twin, triple and quad available)
  • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
  • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
  • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €560 per night
  • Oktoberfest 7s tickets  – Rugby 7’s is one of two rugby variants played all over the world. It’s named after the number of players, 7 per team, and is a damn good time to watch. If you wanna experience some live sports with a crazy atmosphere in between beer hall sessions, then get on board – €29, available September 21 & 22
  • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
  • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 
18 – 20 September | 25 – 27 September | 2 – 4 OctoberParis to Munich Ride with us from Paris

220Flexible terms, group payments

/ Per Person

Ride With Us

18 – 20 September | 25 – 27 September | 2 – 4 OctoberParis to Munich Ride with us from Paris


  • Twin or triple shared tents all set up for you with self-inflating mattress and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, and group teepees available)
  • Return transport from Paris to the campsite
  • Bottomless brunch every morning available from 8-11am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
  • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
  • Oktoberfest free entry
  • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
  • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring internaional DJs, bands, performers, and magicians
  • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, speakeasy, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
  • Powder room for the ladies to make getting ready at the campsite easy
  • 24hr security on site
  • 24hr check-in
  • Ear plugs at your disposal


  • Unlimited booze – Open bar of beer, sangria, wine, soft drink, tea and coffee €10 a day
  • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €20/night
  • Glamping – If you’re a sucker for the finer things in life, you might wanna consider upgrading to glamping. You’ll be hanging out in a tent you can stand up in, sleeping in a bed and keeping toasty warm. You can thank us later… €150 per person per night (solo, twin, triple and quad available)
  • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
  • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
  • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €560 per night
  • Oktoberfest 7s tickets  – Rugby 7’s is one of two rugby variants played all over the world. It’s named after the number of players, 7 per team, and is a damn good time to watch. If you wanna experience some live sports with a crazy atmosphere in between beer hall sessions, then get on board – €29, available September 21 & 22
  • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
  • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 
18 – 20 September | 25 – 27 September | 2 – 4 OctoberBudapest to MunichRide with us from Budapest to Munich

255Flexible terms, group payments

/ Per Person

Ride With Us

18 – 20 September | 25 – 27 September | 2 – 4 OctoberBudapest to MunichRide with us from Budapest to Munich


  • Twin or triple shared tents all set up for you with self-inflating mattress and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, and group teepees available)
  • Return transport from Budapest to the campsite
  • Bottomless brunch every morning available from 8-11am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
  • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
  • Oktoberfest free entry
  • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
  • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring internaional DJs, bands, performers, and magicians
  • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, speakeasy, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
  • Powder room for the ladies to make getting ready at the campsite easy
  • 24hr security on site
  • 24hr check-in
  • Ear plugs at your disposal


  • Unlimited booze – Open bar of beer, sangria, wine, soft drink, tea and coffee €10 a day
  • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €20/night
  • Glamping – If you’re a sucker for the finer things in life, you might wanna consider upgrading to glamping. You’ll be hanging out in a tent you can stand up in, sleeping in a bed and keeping toasty warm. You can thank us later… €150 per person per night (solo, twin, triple and quad available)
  • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
  • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
  • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €560 per night
  • Oktoberfest 7s tickets  – Rugby 7’s is one of two rugby variants played all over the world. It’s named after the number of players, 7 per team, and is a damn good time to watch. If you wanna experience some live sports with a crazy atmosphere in between beer hall sessions, then get on board – €29, available September 21 & 22
  • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
  • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 
18 – 20 September | 25 – 27 September | 2 – 4 OctoberVIENNA TO MUNICHRide with us from Vienna to Munich

220Flexible terms, group payments

/ Per Person

Ride With Us

18 – 20 September | 25 – 27 September | 2 – 4 OctoberVIENNA TO MUNICHRide with us from Vienna to Munich


  • Twin or triple shared tents all set up for you with self-inflating mattress and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, and group teepees available)
  • Return transport from Vienna to the campsite
  • Bottomless brunch every morning available from 8-11am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
  • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
  • Oktoberfest free entry
  • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
  • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring internaional DJs, bands, performers, and magicians
  • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, speakeasy, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
  • Powder room for the ladies to make getting ready at the campsite easy
  • 24hr security on site
  • 24hr check-in
  • Ear plugs at your disposal


  • Unlimited booze – Open bar of beer, sangria, wine, soft drink, tea and coffee €10 a day
  • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €20/night
  • Glamping – If you’re a sucker for the finer things in life, you might wanna consider upgrading to glamping. You’ll be hanging out in a tent you can stand up in, sleeping in a bed and keeping toasty warm. You can thank us later… €150 per person per night (solo, twin, triple and quad available)
  • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
  • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
  • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €560 per night
  • Oktoberfest 7s tickets  – Rugby 7’s is one of two rugby variants played all over the world. It’s named after the number of players, 7 per team, and is a damn good time to watch. If you wanna experience some live sports with a crazy atmosphere in between beer hall sessions, then get on board – €29, available September 21 & 22
  • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
  • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 
16 September – 4 OctoberOktoberfest Solo GlampingRIDE SOLO WITH SOME LITTLE EXTRA COMFORT

150/ Per Person Per Night

Meet us there, flexible, more inclusions


16 September – 4 OctoberOktoberfest Solo GlampingRIDE SOLO WITH SOME LITTLE EXTRA COMFORT


  • Large solo glamping tent that you can stand up in, for stretching, dressing & other activities
  • Bed with inflatable mattresses with fitted bed sheets, pillows & sleeping bags
  • Bottomless brunch with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
  • Power & lighting
  • Bedside table, mirror & bin
  • Local newspaper & free WIFI (on request)
  • Turndown service (on request)
  • Festival survival kit
  • Welcome drink, for feeling welcome
  • Stoke friends at your service
  • Unlimited coffee, tea & hot chocolate day station


  • Unlimited booze – Open bar of beer, sangria, wine, soft drink, tea and coffee €10 a day
  • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
  • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
  • Oktoberfest 7s tickets  – Rugby 7’s is one of two rugby variants played all over the world. It’s named after the number of players, 7 per team, and is a damn good time to watch. If you wanna experience some live sports with a crazy atmosphere in between beer hall sessions, then get on board – €29, available September 21 & 22
  • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
  • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 
16 September – 4 OctoberOktoberfest Twin / Double GlampingMEET US THERE WITH YOUR MATE FOR A FANCY TIME

150/ Per Person Per Night

Meet us there, flexible, more inclusions


16 September – 4 OctoberOktoberfest Twin / Double GlampingMEET US THERE WITH YOUR MATE FOR A FANCY TIME


  • Large solo glamping tent that you can stand up in, for stretching, dressing & other activities
  • Bed with inflatable mattresses with fitted bed sheets, pillows & sleeping bags
  • Bottomless brunch with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee (email info@stoketravel.com for any dietary requirements)
  • Power & lighting
  • Bedside table, mirror & bin
  • Local newspaper & free WIFI (on request)
  • Turndown service (on request)
  • Festival survival kit
  • Welcome drink, for feeling welcome
  • Stoke friends at your service
  • Festival survival kit
  • Unlimited coffee, tea & hot chocolate day station


  • Unlimited booze – Open bar of beer, sangria, wine, soft drink, tea and coffee €10 a day
  • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
  • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
  • Oktoberfest 7s tickets  – Rugby 7’s is one of two rugby variants played all over the world. It’s named after the number of players, 7 per team, and is a damn good time to watch. If you wanna experience some live sports with a crazy atmosphere in between beer hall sessions, then get on board – €29, available September 21 & 22
  • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
  • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 
16 September – 4 OctoberOktoberfest Triple GlampingTHREE’S COMPANY FOR THIS MEET US THERE GLAMPING OPTION

130/ Per Person Per Night

Meet us there, flexible, more inclusions


16 September – 4 OctoberOktoberfest Triple GlampingTHREE’S COMPANY FOR THIS MEET US THERE GLAMPING OPTION


  • Large solo glamping tent that you can stand up in, for stretching, dressing & other activities
  • Bed with inflatable mattresses with fitted bed sheets, pillows & sleeping bags
  • Bottomless brunch with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee (email info@stoketravel.com for any dietary requirements)
  • Power & lighting
  • Bedside table, mirror & bin
  • Local newspaper & free WIFI (on request)
  • Turndown service (on request)
  • Festival survival kit
  • Welcome drink, for feeling welcome
  • Stoke friends at your service
  • Festival survival kit
  • Unlimited coffee, tea & hot chocolate day station


  • Unlimited booze – Open bar of beer, sangria, wine, soft drink, tea and coffee €10 a day
  • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
  • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
  • Oktoberfest 7s tickets  – Rugby 7’s is one of two rugby variants played all over the world. It’s named after the number of players, 7 per team, and is a damn good time to watch. If you wanna experience some live sports with a crazy atmosphere in between beer hall sessions, then get on board – €29, available September 21 & 22
  • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
  • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 
16 September – 4 OctoberOktoberfest Quad GlampingMEET US THERE WITH THE WHOLE GANG

130/ Per Person Per Night

Meet us there, flexible, more inclusions


16 September – 4 OctoberOktoberfest Quad GlampingMEET US THERE WITH THE WHOLE GANG


  • Large solo glamping tent that you can stand up in, for stretching, dressing & other activities
  • Bed with inflatable mattresses with fitted bed sheets, pillows & sleeping bags
  • Bottomless brunch with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee (email info@stoketravel.com for any dietary requirements)
  • Power & lighting
  • Bedside table, mirror & bin
  • Local newspaper & free WIFI (on request)
  • Turndown service (on request)
  • Festival survival kit
  • Welcome drink, for feeling welcome
  • Stoke friends at your service
  • Festival survival kit
  • Unlimited coffee, tea & hot chocolate day station


  • Unlimited booze – Open bar of beer, sangria, wine, soft drink, tea and coffee €10 a day
  • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
  • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
  • Oktoberfest 7s tickets  – Rugby 7’s is one of two rugby variants played all over the world. It’s named after the number of players, 7 per team, and is a damn good time to watch. If you wanna experience some live sports with a crazy atmosphere in between beer hall sessions, then get on board – €29, available September 21 & 22
  • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
  • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 

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Cómo elegir tu surfskate

Saber elegir tu surfskate correctamente es algo tan importante casi como elegir bien tu tabla de surf, por lo que os vamos a explicar en este articulo lo mejor posible como acertar en la elección.

El surfskate se ha convertido en una de las herramientas  de entrenamiento más importante si no la que más para poder seguir mejorando tu surfing fuera del agua o simplemente para tener algo de diversión cuando no hay olas. 

Existen muchos modelos y funcionamientos diferentes según el tamaño de la tabla, ruedas, y más importante el tipo de eje que se utilice y os lo vamos a explicar todos aquí.


Según la finalidad que tengas pensado darle te recomendaremos unos modelos u otro. 

Si eres de los que prefieres mejorar tu surfing, con sus movimientos y giros, te recomendamos utilizar un modelo de surfskate de eje con muelle. Ya que son modelos que simulan a la perfección la técnica para aplicar dentro del agua. Pueden ser modelos como YOW, Caver C7, Slide, Flying wheels…Etc.

O si por el contrario lo que buscas es pasar un buen rato con el patín, ir al skatepark, a surfear un bowl o te estas iniciando, sería tal vez mejor un modelo de eje sin muelle, como pueden ser modelos como Carver Cx, Long Island, Quiksilver…Etc.

Esto no quiere decir que no puedas bombear el patin para practicar surfing con un eje sin muelle o que no puedas entrar al bowl con un modelo con muelle en el eje. Son ambos modelos perfectamente adaptables a lo que tú vayas a hacer.

La longitud entre ejes también va a diferenciar si quieres un tipo de movimiento u otro.

Si lo que prefieres es tener un carving más cerrado deberás elegir un sufskate más pequeño, con menos distancia entre ejes. Y si por el contrario quieres ganar velocidad con un bombeo más amplio, te vendría bien un modelo con algo más de distancia entre ejes.

En esta imagen podéis ver como un eje con más distancia produce un bombeo más abierto que el eje de menor distancia entre ellos que será más cerrado y nervioso.


En surfskate hay dos tipos de eje como hemos comentado en el punto anterior. Existe el eje con muele interno y el eje sin muelle, más tradicional.

– Eje con muelle: 

Este tipo de eje lleva un resorte con un muelle interior que hace que el patin simule de una forma muy fiel los movimientos y sensaciones del surfing. Tiene un bombeo muy suave y el ángulo de giro es más cerrado. Aparte de poder regular su dureza para tener más ratio de giro si aflojamos el muelle y el bushing o apretarlo para tener mayor estabilidad.

Al ser ejes más blandos y con mayor giro para “surfear” suelen ser más inestables por lo que los recomendamos para gente que ya tiene una cierta idea de surf o de skate. Pueden ser modelos como YOW, Caver C7, Slide, Flying wheels…Etc

– Eje sin muelle:

El surfskate de eje sin muelle interno, es más tradicional ya que el bombeo se acerca más al de un skate normal, aunque con el bushing que lleva, seguirás teniendo el feeling de surfing en el bombeo.

Sigue siendo completamente un sufrskate con el que realizar carvings y avanzar al bombear con tu cuerpo, sin necesidad de dar la “patada” del skate de siempre.

Gracias a no tener muelle tiene la ventaja de que es el más estable, lo que lo hace ideal para los momentos de bowl, skate park o desplazarte por la ciudad. Convirtiendo también a este modelo en ideal para empezar tus andaduras en el mundo del surfskate. Estos modelos pueden ser Carver Cx, Long Island, Quiksilver…


Como habéis podido comprobar hay muchas variaciones en el “shape” de las tablas de surfskate. Varian en su largo y ancho, tail, tipo de cola, etc. 

– Una tabla larga se traduce en un surfskate muy estable y normalmente con un wheelbase más largo, por lo que se convierte en una opción idónea para aquellos con menor nivel o ideal para gente más alta y pesada.  Y en cambio una tabla corta supone que sea más nervioso y un carving más cerrado e inestable, perfecto para gente con cierto nivel o aquellos de menos estatura y peso.

Un modelo de tabla “corta” podríamos considerarlos de 26” a 30” aproximadamente y tablas grandes y estables de 32” a 35”-36”. También va a influir en el gusto de cada uno.

– El ancho de la tabla determina la superficie de apoyo que tienes para el pie, lo que se convierte en más seguridad y estabilidad en la pisada.

– Según el tail, hay muchos modelos, tantos como colas de tablas de surf, pero si es verdad que esto no implica absolutamente nada en el uso del surfskate. Solo el hecho que que tenga un tail más pronunciado o menos para tener mejor agarre atrás.



Las ruedas de un surfskate, son tan importantes como la elección de la tabla, ya que de esto va a depender poder tener un estilo de skate u otro.

Se pueden diferenciar en tamaño, dureza y forma.

– Las ruedas que más vamos a ver en un surfskate son grandes de entre 65-75mm de diámetro como las Carver Roundhouse 70mm, o las Slide 65mm. Son las que se adaptan mejor al distinto tipo de superficie rugosa e imperfecta que surfearemos por la calle, aparte de ser más polivalentes para lo que necesitamos. 

Las ruedas pequeñas que recomendamos para un surfskate será cuando se se patina en suelos más lisos y perfectos como puede ser un bowl o skatepark.

– Las que normalmente se utilizan para surfskate a diferencia del skate tradicional suelen ser blandas. Una rueda blanda se adapta mejor a cualquier tipo de superficie más rugosa y con imperfecciones como puede ser cualquier tipo de calle, lo que ayuda al surfskate a tener un surfing con mejor carving y giros. Una rueda blanda puede ser sobre 78A aproximadamente.

En cambio, una rueda dura como una más pequeña, se va a utilizar siempre mejor en superficies lisas como bowls y skateparks. También las ruedas duras ayuda a tener buenos derrapes si es lo que te mola.

– La forma de la rueda se diferencia básicamente en su borde, y las puedes tener rectas o biseladas.

Una rueda de canto recto ofrece un mayor agarre y resistencia al asfalto, siendo también las más estables. Y suelen ser las mejores si lo que quieres es recorrer la ciudad de un lugar a otro.

Las ruedas biseladas son con un corte redondeado que te ayuda a tener mayor ángulo de giro y sobre todo es el modelo perfecto para el que busca un buen derrape.

Por último tenemos las ruedas de canto redondeado son las más pequeñas y duras pensadas para skatepark, skate tradicional e incluso para los niños.

– Por último podemos ver los distintos rodamientos que serían ABEC3, ABEC5, ABEC7 Y ABEC9.

Se suele utilizar para surfskate abec7 o abec9 ya que son los que mejor rotación y velocidad tienen.

De todo lo que acabamos de explicarte, debes tener en cuenta que no todo es blanco ni negro, siempre va a depender de los gustos de cada persona, nivel y con lo que al final se sienta más cómodo para patinar.

Todo esto lo podréis ir descubriendo probando todos los modelos disponibles que tengáis a vuestro alcance. 

Si os ha quedado claro este articulo, ya podéis entrar en la sección de surfskates de nuestra tienda online elegir el tuyo y a la calle a rippear!

Productos que te podrían interesar:

La entrada Cómo elegir tu surfskate se publicó primero en Blog Mundo-surf.com.

Source: Mundo-surf